Hi, I am a first time producer currently filming a doc series for PBS on American history and archaeology. Am new to the industry having been in acedemia and archaeology until I started this project. Am now planing to transition to making more doc series and factual programs. Check out my pilot at w...
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Monty, this looks great! I'm curious about your experience as a first-time producer. What were some of the greatest challenges you had to overcome, and what were you most surprised to discover on your journey?
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Great question Kalyn! I am sure it would surprise no one when I say funding was a major challenge. As a first time producer I have had supportive comments but no funds from numerous agencies... Add to...
Expand commentGreat question Kalyn! I am sure it would surprise no one when I say funding was a major challenge. As a first time producer I have had supportive comments but no funds from numerous agencies... Add to that the fact that I come from an academic background and not film... But, I have been able to cobble support from multiple sources and make it work. My biggest surprise was discovering just how much I love the process. This led me to a new career as I intend to make films full time from here on. Another surprise has been support from the film community.
Louis, ever since I was in school (elementary, middle, high, and college), I had 3 areas I nearly excelled in - math, science, and history (I majored in Engineering, then Math, when I was in colllege)...
Expand commentLouis, ever since I was in school (elementary, middle, high, and college), I had 3 areas I nearly excelled in - math, science, and history (I majored in Engineering, then Math, when I was in colllege). SO, if any of you all need to know anything from these 3 areas of study, I might be able to HELP you all.
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Monty, as long as you can keep your cool while tryiing to make anything (even on PBS), I'm sure you'll do EXCELLENT.
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Monty, not surprising at all. You obviously have great persistence. I own a small production company in Calgary, Canada, and I can't tell you how many times I've been challenged in an effort to secure funding. I look forward to hearing/seeing more about your exciting project!