Yutu is a fifteen-year-old boy who lives in the Arctic region, and has been closely watching a family of polar bears. Solar is the large male, Climate is the female, and Ice and Snow are the cubs, who now must learn what survival will be like in a new world of melting ice that is deteriorating our polar caps exponentially. The bear family must travel over the ice to where seals are plentiful before the ice turns into water or their survival will become the most difficult should they fail and face certain starvation and possibly death. The travel is a long and sometimes dangerous journey for a starving mother and her two young cubs fresh out of the winter burrow. She must be able to eat enough seal meat to survive and raise her cubs. Solar will travel alone and face the same perils as Climate. He too must make the journey across the ice to find food before it is too late. Yutu's parents head the conservation team. His father is an environmentalist, and his mother is a marine biologist. Together they team up with Yutu's best friend, who is a veterinarian, his younger sister, the photographer who captures the animals on film, and his grandparents who tag along to make sure this journey supplies them with clothing, shelter and food. It will be a long journey as they follow the bears from the spring food hunt, to their hibernation, and hopeful survival as they travel through the brutal, fragile, and dangerous terrain of the Arctic to track and find a way to save the polar bears from extinction. Lords of the Arctic is an ongoing series that will take the family through the winter, spring, summer and fall in the Arctic and Antarctic, and focus on the many special animals that live there; such as narwhals, penguins, seals, whales to name some. The series will teach children the importance of becoming guardians of the earth so future generations of humans and animals can survive. The books will also feature important links where the children and their parents can go online for more information about the Arctic and climate change, and what they can do to help become Ambassadors of Planet Ocean and save the lives of many animals and humans. Teachers will also be able to utilize this series in their classrooms as a learning tool and center the curriculum activities around it in their daily planning. Polar bears are beneficial to the planet, as each select animal and insect are. It is a chain from the top all the way down to the bottom, and each animal and/or insect has a plan. Everything set in motion will lead the way for all of us to survive. Without the animal kingdom and climate change correction, the human race will die.
Lords of the Arctic Family
verified purchase 5.0 out of 5 stars The Boogeyman is a Mind Blowing Ride into the Darkness! Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2014 The Boogeyman Erin Aug 31, 2017 Creepy in a fantastic way The Boogeyman reads like the premise of a film noir. I could almost hear the ominous violins' warning crescendo in the background. Murray, the main character, is a young man plagued by nightmares. They have overtaken his life to the point where he is dependent on daily sessions with his psychiatrist just to keep from falling to pieces. The themes of repressed memories, murder and dangerous, almost experimental psychotherapy are not new but they are so enjoyable all the same. The Boogeyman employs a writing style that is superficial in quality, showing the reader scenes and characters that are familiar such as the loving mother that cooks gourmet feasts for all, the strong but silent father, and the good doctor. In my opinion, this was the perfect choice for this story because it allowed the feeling of paranoia to really seep through the cracks of the familiar backdrop. There were a few inconsistencies that could be my error for missing, for example, what did Murray end up getting his doting mother for Christmas? And how long had he lived in Boston? These, I must stress, could be my mistake and they did not at all distract from the enjoyment of the story. Grammar errors were few and it is overall very cleanly written. The Boogeyman is well paced, intriguing and delivers a fantastic story climax that is well worth the read. (*) (*) (*) (*) ( ) Overall Rating (*) (*) (*) (*) ( ) Plot (*) (*) (*) (*) ( ) Writing Style (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) Grammar & Punctuation THE BOOGEYMAN I came across the opportunity to read and review The Boogeyman by Patti Petrone Miller from a group in Facebook. I was told that this book is in several schools and libraries and I was grateful my review was wanted after offering it. This book held my attention from page one and it was packed full of thrills, terror, and spine tingling suspense for a short read. I was a little disappointed when it ended. I do have to confess but I thought I had it figured out from Chapter One and I am very seldom wrong because I have a talent in predicting the ending to movies and books with little knowledge of them, usually just from the first chapter in a book to the first 30 mins of a movie. So, I was very pleased when I discovered I was in fact wrong about the ending. This book although in schools, I don't think it would be for small children. The author showed brilliance in describing the inside of the mind of his character when allowed to be altered by medications. The wonderful imagination of Patti Petrone Miller set the stage for the reader to be pulled into the story therefore feeling the sheer terror of madness. I was able to feel what characters were feeling and going through, and sometimes it was a bit frightening. I loved it!!! I highly recommend this book and give it five stars ***** Reviewed by Nora Chipley Barteau Rosser's Relaxed Reviews I have seven kids. That's right, count'em--one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Do you know what that means? It means I've read just about every book written for people who haven't reached the age of majority. There's a weird dynamic. We start out reading books to them, like Andrew Lang's Fairy books and The Little Prince and Water Babies. Those are pretty fun. Then, they learn to read, so we're bored as heck watching and listening to them haltingly fight their ways through basic sentences. When they can read, most of what's available is complete junk. It isn't until Junior High or so that the kids reach an age where anyone is writing something they might actually enjoy. And let's face it...ninety-nine percent of what's written for young adults is just crap. There, I said it. I'm serious, though. Most YA fiction isn't about the kids. It's written to a conglomerate vision of what we think the kids are. That's why every kid has the exact same challenges, hopes, and fears. That's why every kid falls in love the exact same way. That's why there's always one "goody two-shoes" character and one "bad" character. Really, the genre is so darn formulaic that you almost want to keep your kids illiterate until they can appreciate Hemingway Steinbeck, and Poe. I'm happy to report that Patti Petrone Miller's book, The Boogeyman, doesn't fall into the trap. I liked it enough that it ended up a present for my twelve-year old to read. The book doesn't treat kids like feeble-minded idiots ready for emotional and intellectual manipulation. I really like that. It not only excites, but it provokes thought. Maybe I'm an old fashioned kind of parent, but I find it important that a book make my daughter think. The characterization is excellent. I quite like the interactions between Murray and Doctor Rosen. I also like the psychological horror element of the book. It's a far cry from most YA horror which, if anything, pays only lip service to the psyche side of horror. I think it's remarkable that a young adult book focuses so much on older characters as well. You never see that. The pacing is great. It starts slowly and builds with each chapter. The beginning could have been a little quicker, but there's no harm done. The twists are unexpected but they don't cheat the reader, and I was left wanting more, so I better see some more in the series, and I know my daughter will go on a Patti Petrone Miller hunt if she doesn't. Pick the book up. it's a good one.
Marty Mouse has a problem. The problem comes in a form of orange fur and weighs about twenty pounds. In order for Marty Mouse to thrive happily, he must do something drastic. Siegfried has no patience for the little creature who dwells within the walls of his home and wants nothing more than to rid himself of the pest and will do whatever it takes to win back Granny's affections for himself. This is not your average cat and mouse story and has quite an unexpected twist in the end. A keeper on your child's shelves and a wonderful bedtime story they will want to read over and over again.
Meet Marty Mouse from our story, WINTER MOUSE
Witch Hazel in the story of Witch~o~ween trades toys in place of candy.
Witch Hazel has a dilemma. It's her job to save Halloween. But when her sister steps into the picture Witch Hazel's plans don't go the way she expected. This is a story about friendship and kindness and how good can over come evil. A very funny bedtime story that will become your child's most cherished Halloween tale.
Tommy is a curious little boy that loves adventures, pirates, and dragons. One day his mother brings him to the toy store where he finds a stuffed bear sitting alone on a shelf. He brings him home and fondly names him Russell, but what Tommy doesn't know is that Russell isn't just any stuffed bear to have as his companionship during the day cuddle at night when they sleep. Russell is special in his very own way. Find out in this heartwarming story about a little boy who learns to have courage and the little brown bear that stands up for him.
There is something scary happening in the town of Cookieville. High on the hill above the town is an old factory that has suddenly come to life. As lightning cracks through the night sky, the townsfolk scurry inside their homes for cover. Then it happens....and the town of Cookieville will never be the same. Franken Cookie is a story about friendship, compassion, and empathy. A story about being different and that being different is never a bad thing.
The oceans are a very important part of our lives, so it is more important to help keep it clean and safe for all the animals that live within. Puck is a ten year old boy who cares deeply about “Planet Ocean” and all its inhabitants. His father is a Plastic Fisherman and an environmentalist. He wants more than ever to live in a world that is garbage free for both human's and animals alike. Follow Puck and his father as they venture out into the ocean to do their part for humanity and clean it up. After all, we are the keepers of the planet, right? Planet Ocean, The Plastic Fisherman is a story that is filled with love and compassion for the animals of our beautiful planet. Puck is one boy who wants to make a difference, and will stop at nothing to get the job done. Find out how he does it in this wonderful, powerful story.
Meet The Snow Bunny Science Sleuths, Professor Benjamine Bunny, his assistant, Robbie the robot and twins, Bry and Brittany Bunny in this fun coloring book that is fun to color as your child reads the first book in this educational series, The Snow Bunny Science Sleuths Learn to Tell Time in the Wilderness.
From the book, The Wrinklettes World of Wonder
From the book, The Wrinklettes World of Wonder
Meet Ophelia. Ophelia is a vampire who has lived for centuries. She likes cruising the club scene, classical literature, and men who know their place. Meet Emma. Emma is a werewolf who lives above the pack owned garage. She likes bacon, working on bikes, bacon, cute boys with big brown eyes, and bacon. Meet Sajan. Sajan is a Herbad, an apprentice Magi, who lives with his Dastur. He likes making people happy, hot girls in leather, and serving Ahura Mazda as a light shining against the darkness. Meet Jan. Jan is a Veiðimaðr, a monster hunter, who lives with his grandmother. He likes working out, making friends, and not getting knives thrown at him by his grandmother. Meet Agent Smith. Agent Smith works for the Federal government, keeping an eye on people like Ophelia, Emma, Sajan, and Jan. Agent Smith likes it when the people he keeps an eye on don't do anything... dramatic. This week Ophelia, Emma, Sajan, and Jan are going to meet for the first time. Drama is about to ensue.
Meet the Wrinklettes, Rosie, Ruby and Roxanne, as they take your child inside their magical schoolroom, and through the portal of a flying book that will teach your child history, science, and geography. Through their travels, they will make new friends; learn about science from Nikola Tesla, and experience history when they meet Captain Blackbeard, Christopher Columbus, and George Washington. They will learn about historical events, such as the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Battle of the Alamo, the French and Indian War, and the Jacobite War in Scotland. Your child will travel through space and time to learn about the planets and the universe around us. They will visit the oceans’ deepest depths to learn about sharks and whales. On land, they will learn about wildlife and endangered species, as well as the environment. The Wrinklettes will take your child on a journey to visit other countries to learn about their cultures, holidays, and how they are celebrated...This series is jam-packed with fact and fiction that will let your child's imagination soar while learning through a fun and action packed series.
Elliot, the feisty little ball of fluff that made this series possible. May 25, 2006-July 20, 2019
THUMBS UP! A story about a special dog with opposable thumbs and his boy with Autism