Irish pub scene I made
This was a sci-fi scene I was working on.
Created this living room scene from a few reference images. Modelled the sofa myself and the photos are just some random ones I took on a walk
definitely the most complex render I've done, about 7 different particle systems and a whole bunch of displacement but I loved doing it. Few things that could be better but I'm pretty happy with it.
Went back and reused my medieval buildings to create a little market square. Nice bit of HDR lighting to cast some areas of light and shadow. Plus the addition of the cobblestone floor, which I wasn't 100% happy so I've added a depth of field to blur out the foreground which was the worse part. It's the first frame of a 6-second animation so hopefully, that will come out ok
Had another go at a churchyard, needed to figure out a better composition than the previous effort. Much happier with this image than the last one. It is definitely the most complicated scene I've done so far. It's the details like the graves and the walls. Not so happy with the texture on the ground and one the trees, might have to go back and look at those again. I also really wish I could have figured out how to get some reflections on the windows. Even with all issues with it, I'm insanely happy with the fact that a couple of months ago an image like this would have taken a month to make, but I did this in a few hours last night with it rendering overnight. Right better go and figure out what I'm doing for my next image
Totally feel like this could be an album cover.
Not sure I like this image but it was fun messing around with textures
Messing around with patterns
Bit of reworking on my field image to add a path. I like how this one turned out
My first go at a complete scene. Came out ok, just need to refine some of the textures and work on some of the scale issues, but other than that I'm happy with it
how its come out. It's the first time I've modelled all the furniture myself without having to have a quick look at a tutorial. There so many different elements that were hard to figure out including situations on the bedding and the particles on the rug. I think the bit I love the most though is the chair. At one point I thought it was going to be a bit of a disaster but I think its the best bit of the image, lol. I'm pretty happy with the texture on the carpet as well. Not so happy with the texture on the bed, bedside tables and the blanket box, but I guess there is something to work on. I also think I need to work on the lighting as well. It looks ok, but it could be brighter, but on the whole, I'm happy.
London skyline
Messing around with grass and landscapes
I didn't model the car but I did everything else. Might mess around with other vehicles on the road and maybe move the scene to a different part of the road, but Iquite like how its looking
Mucking around with a few objects