Hey Guys, my debut film as a producer is out now! SYNOPSIS Endless Loop is a poignant and deeply moving narrative that follows the life of Tunji, a man ensnared within the unforgiving grip of an unending cycle. Each day, he finds himself reliving the heart-wrenching loss of his beloved wife, Feyi, in a heart-rending accident. Tunji's existence becomes an intricate dance of treasuring every precious moment with Feyi while simultaneously grappling with the agonizing certainty of their imminent...
Hey guys! So, I did this short monologue of a young man who's got deceptive and manipulative looks. His tongue is slick and dangerous. He has a way of getting things done in the way and manner he wants it. Please watch. Your comments and criticism is highly welcomed. PS: I'm always open to learning. Please drop a few corrections. It will make me improve.
Hi! I just uploaded a romance scene from my recent film RAPE VICTIM. Please view and rate. You're comments are highly welcomed too.