Gene Eggleston

Gene Eggleston

Aurora Borealis Publishing

Hamilton, Ohio

Member Since:
June 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Gene

I’m Gene . . .
I enjoyed a 42-year career in marketing communications. For twenty of those years I owned and operated my own advertising agency, creating written material and graphics for a number of clients.

Retiring early I was seeking a creative outlet. First I wrote a couple of songs. Then my wife Judy said, “You have such an active imagination. You should write a novel. Judy became my muse, editor, critic, and co-author.

We now have written seven novels. All seven fall generally in the ‘suspense’ genre. However, our novels are not a series. Each of our novels is ‘novel’. Each features a different and unique plot as well as unique characters.




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