Simangele Lekhuleni's Lounge Discussions

Simangele Lekhuleni
Writing my CV


I work a full-time job, I'll call it my support job, and on the side working on becoming a Screenwriter. I have limited experience working on that. The goal is to one day work as a full-time Screenwriter.

I would like to find a job related to film and TV where I can use the skills I've gained...

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Carol Tanis
Finally done and ready to pitch my play

Looking for feedback on my logline and where to pitch my play, "Awkward Family Values." It's an LGBT-based story, but the protagonist is the straight husband. I wrote it that way so it would have a broader appeal.

Family values get jumbled when Jake learns his wife is lesbian and while trying to kee...

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Carol Tanis

Thanks for the suggestion! I wrote the script with a straight protagonist thinking that the story might appeal more to the heterosexual crowd, as well as the LGBTQ+ community. Unfortunately, many peop...

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David DeHaas

Nick is right... people are not sucessful in this industry unless their gut is worthy :D

Craig D Griffiths

Carol Tanis i can’t speak for every hetro in the planet. But I don’t think it matters. A few years ago perhaps. People were scared of offending straight people. I am straight, I am not offended. I can...

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Carol Tanis

Hey Craig, I appreciate your feedback. I'm not quite sure that everyone is as highly-evolved as you are, but I like hearing all viewpoints. One of the reasons I like this platform.

Craig D Griffiths

Carol Tanis I am afraid you could be correct. Perhaps it is just because I live in Sydney. We are too lazy to worry about what other people

Simangele Lekhuleni
Do you work a 9 - 5 job and do writing part-time? How do you manage? How do get motivated?

I'm an emerging writer and I work a full time job. Writing is my passion and my goal is to one day work full time as a Writer. I'm working towards that. If you're like me, how do you manage to do both? What motivates you? On your bad days at work when you feel like quitting, but can't cause you need the job, how do you not let that get to you?

CJ Walley

Of course there's no intention to be sexist but, if I've somehow been as such, I apologise.

Tabitha Baumander

I wear a headset for a living. If thats not fecking motivation nothing is.

Kai Omri

Wow its popping off up in here lol Hi Simangele, I'm in the same boat, I'm a bus driver and I've got children so it's hard trying to find the time to write or create, so a few things I do is commit to...

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Simangele Lekhuleni

Beth thanks for the tip about making the time, make it routine.

Tabitha, I wonder what you do with your job?

Michael thanks for recommending the book. I'll check it out

Nick I follow you on twitter aswel...

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Geoffrey Enright

Personally i find this whole notion of "motivation" a bit if there's some magical dust that'll make you wanna do something you claim to love. Either love it and get it done or love the image and just talk about it.

Simangele Lekhuleni
Guidelines for writing a script

Hi everyone

Do you know of a good free guide which outlines what needs to be done before a script is written and while writing the script. For TV and film.

Simangele Lekhuleni

Dunya and Craig good suggestion about reading other scripts. I've started a writers group and want us to review scripts it's for emerging writers.

Ryan thanks for recommending the book, I've downloaded...

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Freyja Seren (she/her)

Great question There are loads! It's worth setting aside a day to fall dow the rabbit hole of google and soak in the wealth of information. It's an amazingly generous community. I'd recommend https://...

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Jill A. Hargrave

Here's a free guide from scriptlab at Hope this helps....

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Shane Stanley

I would check out Great resource for new and seasoned writers. If you're looking for a great book to help you along, I cannot recommend Writing the Script by Wells Root enough...

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CJ Walley

As mentioned, I share my full outlining process here on Script Revolution and many people have told me it's transformed their approach. Pretty much all my methodology is distilled from reading tonnes...

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Thomas Jamieson
Summer Dreamer

Hi all. I’m a screenwriter, Director and Stage 32 member. This summer has been so different from others. With all the isolation (both external and self-imposed), it has given me a chance to do something I have not done in a very long time - dream. Finishing up a female thriller now and then onto the...

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Simangele Lekhuleni

Hi Thomas. Curious what's the female thriller about?

Thomas Jamieson

Hi there. It is a social thriller with mostly Latina characters and an immigration overlay. Horror elements sprinkled in.

Hello I'm Simangele

Hello I'm Simangele. I love TV and film. I love storytelling. I want to connect with other writers to learn, to be inspired and maybe work with other writers. Looking to hear from other writers.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Simangele Lekhuleni! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! Well, you've come to the right place! We love TV and film, too! What would you say are your top 3...

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Tasha Lewis


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