I pulled this theme from the early 1990's into the present day with a total overhaul. It could well serve as an end-title theme for the movies...hence the idea for this video, which is also a tribute to the lesser gods of cinema, the ones mentioned at the end in smaller font. Epic, melancholic, yet with total awareness and clarity. credits released 29 September 2013 Written, recorded and produced by BlindººCoyote at Chumberos, Spain, September 2013
A nuclear breeder power plant that never went online, one of Europe's most expensive industrial ruins, and at present converted into a theme park. Location: Kalkar, Germany. After the camera has captured various impressions from the outside of the complex it moves down some steps, leading to an underground service entrance, through which the spectator is taken into the bowels of this gigantic monster...released 25 May 1996.
Sounds like a dramatic end title track. Looking for a project that it could serve. Appears as cut #4 on mini album "Smooth is stranger than Friction" published by BlindººCoyote. This is the second mini-album in a series of two, consisting of 4 instrumentals with each a rather strong personality and a wraparound atmosphere. ...
When you undertake a roadtrip with no beginning and no end neither destination nor timeframe you realize at times how vulnerable you can be with everchanging surroundings, unimagined situations...it is you versus the world at hand...taken from the album "Ear Travelogue...The U-Turn Chronicles", which originally came out in 2003 and is now remixed/remastered for its digital release on http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com
epic, orchestral score fitting the greater dramas on celluloid. Appeared in a vocal version on the album "Brown Reads John Keats" (on Russian label NeoAcustica), and has served as a movie endtitle track...released 01 June 2011 written, mixed and produced by Drem Bruinsma, remixed @ Chumberos, Xixona, Spain http://blindcoyote.bandcamp.com/track/weltschmerz-movements-1-2-3