Tom Kuhl: Screenwriter in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Tom Kuhl
First introduction in a while

I’m Tom from Minneapolis, and I love these weekends. Last post here, I had finished novelizing my latest screenplay, and it was out for a line edit. I hoped to have it out by the end of 2021 on Kindle Unlimited. An opportunity to move to a nicer place with heated parking was something I couldn’t pas...

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Jason Mirch

Congratulations Tom Kuhl! And female-driven content is massive now. You're in the right space for sure. Keep us posted!

Tom Kuhl

Tom Kuhl

I'm Tom.

When a screenplay getting good reviews from professional producers wasn't bringing in any offers, I decided to turn it into a novel to build a fanbase. That novel is now going through a line edit. By next month I should have the cover created, and by the month after that, I hope to have the...

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Tom Kuhl
It's been a few months.

I was called back to my day job in March and haven't spent much time here since.

For those who are new, you have a lot to take advantage of. I'm a screenwriter breaking in been, and I highly recommend the classes and services available here on Stage 32. I learned a lot and received valuable feedback...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Tom! Welcome back, and thanks so much for the kind words! Glad to hear you had work. What are you working on now?

Oh, hey! I noticed you added a storyboard trailer for your film? How cool is that...

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Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Agreed Tom Kuhl I love this site. No other site givefs you direct time with real producers. And the chance to practice pitching is stellar. I love the Writer's Room. But someone here, Bill Taub (of Hi...

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Tom Kuhl

Thanks for sharing my stage link Karen "Kay" Ross !

No, I haven't gotten responses from it, but that could be because I haven't tried much. I had someone create those boards on Fiverr less as a market Expand comment

Ashley mentioned a few of these resources that are worth checking out. I've listed the US Amazon links, but you can find these titles elsewhere as well.

The Player:

I watched this the first time in a film school marketing class. As Ashley mention...

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The Player
The Player
Academy Award-honoree Robert Altman directs this Golden Globe-winner for Best Motion Picture about a ruthless Hollywood studio executive who takes drastic measures.
Querying Production Companies

I learned through one of the Webinars here that the person within the company you should be querying with film scripts is the Creative Executive. I believe if you have a TV pilot rather than film script, you should query the Development Executive. If the company has neither listed, I would query the...

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Selma Karayalcin
If we are unrepresented, who should we submit our query letter to? A producer or a manager/agent?

A really interesting question was asked in yesterday's class about who we should send our query letters to. So far, I have been pitching to both producers and managers but this doesn't seem to be a good plan. Ashley explained that producers are only interested in making the film and don't care about...

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Selma Karayalcin

Hi Thomas, I think - but guys please correct me if I am mistaken - let's say a producer is interested in your work - you could call a manager - say, Ashley - and explain the situation and ask him to r...

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Thomas Dworschak

True, Selma. Valid point. It makes sense to me. If you also consider what Tom wrote to create your selling strategy, you can tackle the issue from two perspectives.

Tom Kuhl

I think most people who have broken in have done so without an agent or manager by submitting to production companies (and sometimes actors). If a company or actor with pull in the industry likes your...

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Hello! :)

Which Stage 32 Script Services have you used? If you have used multiple services, which ones have proved to be the most helpful? 

Tom Kuhl

I wouldn’t worry at all. Everyone of the professionals on Stage 32 know they are communicating with people trying to break-in and will be nice as long as you follow the rules.

I did Skype pitches rathe Expand comment
Selma Karayalcin

Thanks Tom, this is really helpful and comprehensive - you are very generous in sharing all this and I'm grateful. I'll keep you all posted in what I do. I'll listen to your 4 min pitch later - thank you again :)

Aminah A

Awesome tips!

Thanks so much!

I've only taken advantage of the education on here as well--not the Script Services just yet. I've honestly only done a few of the education courses so far but I've been...

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Take Advantage Of This Stage 32 Offer

I mentioned this to Kevin in our final Zoom session, I highly recommend everyone use the Variety Insight free-trial offered to Stage 32 members to build a pitch list. It's IMDB on Steriods; I wish I had the money to keep it after my trial ended, but it's expensive.

Here's the release about it last S...

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Kevin Anthony Ryan

Thanks Tom, this is really helpful! Cheers!


Hello all. I write family-friendly features. I sit down to write and a Hallmark movie comes out. Every time I try to do anything different, I hit a wall. Working on that. Anyway, I'm glad to be in this class with you guys.

Selma Karayalcin

Thanks for sharing your experience - I have used pitchfest. Three weeks ago I sent a query out about my Hemingways script . Several producers requested the script which I have sent- them. So lets see....

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Thomas Dworschak

That's the downside of not getting any replies or a simple "No". You don't know, where you went wrong. Have you entered any contests or received any other sort of feedback before sending it to produce...

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Selma Karayalcin

Thanks. No, I haven't tested out the Carole Lombard story. That's the plan for this weekend...competitions, maybe the 10 page read that Tom has recommended.

Studio Coverage Example

The coverage Ashley provided was interesting as it included notes.

Here is Disney's studio coverage for Titanic, it’s like what Ashley talked about today, it's a short synopsis with a rubric.

Note: Titanic was bought off James Cameron's pitch by Fox. This is coverage from when the production needed mo...

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Aminah A

Ooh! This is so cool -- very interesting to see a full one! Thanks for sharing!

Thomas Dworschak

It was very informative. It's good to have clarity now between Coverage and Evaluation. And your example, Tom, is really nice. From my point of view, it is encouraging to read that one of the most successful films of all time "only" managed to receive a "good" in all categories.

Tom Kuhl

Exactly Thomas! To me, the only difference between a good (consider) and excellent (recommend) is how well the reader personally liked the story. I’ve had a professional reader (a former studio executive) tell me a script was ready for production and then proceed to give it a good rating.

Tom Kuhl

Think of the Studio System as a Solar System

I never really understood how Hollywood worked until Michael Colleary used a metaphor like this in his Stage 32 webinar:

Think of the studios as suns, production companies with first-look deals as the planets that orbit those suns, management firms and agencies as moons that orbit those planets and w...

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Thomas Dworschak

I've read in one of the many guides out there, that you should try to contact the smaller addresses first. Which makes total sense with the Solar System analogy. If you first try with the big players...

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United States of Fuckin’ Awesome

I can cretainly see how this won the Nicholl.

I would be tempted to get this in front of Mel Brooks and see if he’s willing to lend his name as an EP. That might abate the superstition holding this back.

Thomas Dworschak

I absolutely agree. The script was great and fun to read. Creative encounters and jokes, I really liked it. And as a German I try to complain as much as possible, but couldn't find much. It's a great inspiration.

Darren Tibbits

Fun to read, but started to feel like a long SNL skit at times. See why it's a calling card though.

Hi again!

I decided to write a more detailed bio for the class as my journey may be helpful.

I am from Minnesota, born and raised. Those are not my cows, but I am just far enough south of Minneapolis/St. Paul to be about a 5-minute drive from some cows.

I have a degree in screenwriting as well as one in adverti...

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Thomas Dworschak

Hey Selma, I hope you only got cut off in the beginning and didn't miss anything else of the class. With your academic background in English literature, I suppose you have a broader view of the langua...

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Selma Karayalcin

Thanks! Interesting question about language - I have found that I have been pretty good at writing American style dialogue and British dialogue - I get the nuances. But I think any writer, whatever th...

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Thomas Dworschak

I guess I chose the wrong studies in that sense. While I think I generally have a good notion for cultures and social dynamics, the languages I've learned are all dead: Greek and Latin. Can't properly write in those, can I?

Tom's network

Maurice Vaughan
Vincent Paterno
Pablo Sereno-De La Viña
Michael Davie
Sheldon Woodson
Meghan Ford
Anna Carvalho
Spike Lynn
Walter Hendrix III
Rashaad King
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