In the past, I’ve had two feature scripts optioned by small independent production companies: Just Desserts (a caper comedy) and Condo (set in the petty world of condo politics).
Recently, I co-wrote an animated feature, The Green Airplane, which was a semi-finalist in the 2021 ISA Family & Holiday Screenplay Competition, and a quarter-finalist in the 2020 Austin Film Festival Script Competition.
Lately, I’ve been focused on a five-episode miniseries called Buntline and Cody. This historical fiction follows the meeting of dime novelist Ned Buntline and Will Cody (young Buffalo bill) on the Nebraska frontier and their collaboration in creating a seminal stage play that become the archetype for the “Western.” I found this very interesting because it was the first step in romanticizing mass entertainment dealing with the West.
In addition, I’ve had some short plays produced in different venues and festivals in the West and the South. This includes the comedies AI Dramaturg and AI Barista.
BUNTLINE AND CODY Western It's 1873: a slippery dime novelist teams up with a famous buffalo hunter to create a really bad, wildly successful western stage play -- in spite of their oil and water chemistry.
"Buntline and Cody," second round, ISA Fast Track Fellowship, Spring
"Buntline and Cody," quarterfinalist, Emerging Screenwriters Action & Adventure Competition
"Buntline and Cody," quarterfinalist, Creative Screenwriting TV Pilot Competition
"Buntline and Cody," quarterfinalist, Stage 32 3rd Annual TV Drama Contest
"Buntline and Cody," semifinalist, Shore Scripts 1-Hour TV Pilot Contest
"Green Airplane," semifinalist, ISA Family & Holiday Screenplay Competition
"Green Airplane," second round, Austin Film Festival Screenplay Competition