Interview with director Chase Dudley
The Duchess (Melanie Boyd) after seeing the Reaper's Image in the DeIver Glass.
Bloody Brittany (Shauna Tackett) comes back from the dead for revenge.
Test of Will Cast and Crew photo.
Emily Jones applying the Reaper's makeup to Steven Guynn.
Bloody Brittany out for blood.
Layton Sharp falls prey to the Reaper's Image.
Cast and Crew on location at Waveland.
Cast and Crew taking a break.
Shannon Hunt and Matt Mooningham on set.
Cast and Crew from The Reaper's Image.
Cast and Crew at WCHS.
Cast and Crew from The Reaper's Image.
Kasey Thompson filling out the slate.
Paula Moran applying makeup to Melanie Boyd.
The Duchess.
Cast and Cew at Waveland.
Cast and Cew at Halloween Express.
Kenny Bates preparing the sound equipment.
Cast and Crew at Waveland.
UK Art Museum shot.
Matt chilling with The Reaper.
The Reaper closes in on Carlin (Dave Haney).
The Reaper and Mr. Carlin.
Paula applying makeup to Dave Haney.