Kevin Neece

Kevin Neece

Kadian's Trash Bin Productions
Actor, Animator, Author, Comedian, Content Creator, Director, Editor, Filmmaker, Producer, Screenwriter and Videographer

Austin, Texas

Member Since:
January 2021
Last online:
1 week ago
Invites sent:

About Kevin

Kevin Neece was born and raised in Austin TX. He grew up an only child, watching a non-stop onslaught of vhs tapes from the local video rentals, and got into the hobby of copying the video tapes using multiple vcrs and editing video mixtapes. He was raised on a diet of Troma Films and Dark Horse Comics anti hero series: Comics Greatest World and The Mask.

Kevin got into screenwriting around the age of 15, but quit after three screenplays and went on to focus on raising a family and working in retail. He met his first wife in 2002, married her in 2003, had a daughter with her in 2004, and remained married to her for 15 years. Sometime around 2008, he was drafted as the volunteer webmaster for director Josh Becker's website where he spent a lot of time watching old movies at the recommendation of Josh's Extensive Film Knowledge.

In 2009-2010 Kevin lost his career in retail and took a dishwashing job at Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek out of desperation. It was there he met his friend Austen Crothers, who edited the lobby videos, and helped give him some insight into the making of their Cult Thursday screenings. Kevin noticed the line-up of films wasn't very good, as if they were just pick cheap $5 films out of the bargain bin, and offered to help pay the licensing fees to get some better cult films, and his fascination with the Preshow Mixtapes got him back into Video Editing. Kevin's ambitions were admirable, and he got a line-up of The Projectionist, Simon King of the Witches, Boss N*****r, and Fairy Tales, but in the process of paying the licensing fees, he accidentally "booked" the movies, and he did it without running it by the creative director. Being undermined by a dishwasher, this started a personal vendetta between Kevin and Alamo Drafthouse. Kevin saved his money and tried to get into 35mm print collecting, and got his hands on a 35mm print of Ken Russell's Lisztomania, and privately screened it for his co-workers, curating the preshow, and about twenty people showed up. But none of his bosses did. After putting so much time, money, and effort into putting on a show only to be intentionally dissed by the management, Kevin walked out three days later on his daughter's birthday.

Kevin had plans to move his family to South Austin to live in his grandmother's house for free rent, working as a caregiver, and once he got a dayjob, he could use the extra money to go into renting out theaters to put on film screenings and editing video mixtapes. But the jobs never came, and Dobie Theater shut down. Kevin started putting his efforts into a music video mashup style of preshow editing, but the damage had been done. Alamo Drafthouse refused to look at anything he made, stating that no theater in America would ever run his work. In 2011, Kevin became fascinated with an Alamo Drafthouse show called Horror Remix, and knew that some of the employees had discarded leftover copies from past shows. Upon getting some from a friend, he made the mistake of telling EJ, the show's editor, that he had copies, and it accidentally resulted in one of Kevin's projectionist friends losing his career. Somewhere around that time, Kevin was introduced to the Anime Series, Ah! My Goddess, via a theatrical screening of the first disc of Flights of Fancy as a part of their Anime at the Alamo Series. From that point on, he was hooked and watched everything the show and the manga had to offer two times over.

As job after job turned Kevin down, he began to fall into despair. But he experimented with editing mashup shows similar to Horror Remix, and even learned how to remake the Horror Remixes at home that he didn't have access to. In 2014, Kevin began to attribute his backtracing trick to the Alamo Drafthouse Preshows, where he realized that they were outsourcing a majority of their preshow material off of youtube. Kevin collected around 350 preshows over a period of four years, and as his own private joke revenge, gave the preshows back to the employees in envelopes, knowing that Alamo Drafthouse would never look at them, mistakenly thinking he was trying to submit his own editing work. The original preshow curators that Kevin was copying were: Laird Jimenez (main editor), Sarah Pitre (girlie night), Craig Ries (sing alongs). One day, he received a message from the theater that it was no longer necessary to turn the discs into the theater. They let it go. Kevin then realized that they had held their employee appreciation day on the same day that he had walked off the job at Lake Creek, and considered the coincidence to be a sign from God that he should let things go.

In 2016, when Kevin was attending a Garth Manor screening of Benjamin R Moody's Last Girl Standing at Alamo Drafthouse Village, he was hunt down by an old Lake Creek co-worker named Michael Ludlow, who had recently gotten into Public Access, making a television show called Zombie Life TV. Michael had been roommates with Kevin's old friend Austen, and had been watching all of the early editing work that Kevin had been sending him years ago. In Michael's own words, Kevin had an amazing ability for peering through two hours of garbage films and finding little five second nuggets of gold. Kevin was shocked. Michael wasn't aware of his ability to collect Alamo Drafthouse preshows. He wanted Kevin to edit the Horror Montage background end credits based on all of his early work that had repeatedly been rejected by Alamo Drafthouse.

In exchange for his mixtape editing work, Kevin was taught the duties of a technical director, where he got to work the switchboard in the control room for both Zombie Life TV and Fanboy TV. It was there he was introduced to Gavin Stone, Eddie Rotten, Brenda Dickerson, JP Provins, Saul Ravencraft, Lydia Gallardo, Tom Timbrooks, Nick Lybrand, Robert Chaney, Captain Burton, and a bunch of others. Kevin was responsible for switching the camera angles during the live broadcasts and cutting in the graphics videos (in addition to making the Horror Mashup end credits). While he was working there, Kevin wrote a fan fiction series called Bad Goddess, which was intended as a satire of the tv series Ah My Goddess. Kevin also got to meet director Frank Oz (of Little Shop of Horrors) and he got to work on a Pittsburgh Penguins Ice Hockey background mixtape for a Jumbotron in email collaboration with BC Furtney (director of New Terminal Hotel, starring Stephen Geoffreys). BC Furtney's response to Kevin was, "So you want to be a director, let me know when you release your first movie."

Kevin was somewhat dismayed as he had no stories to tell, and decided to take the risk adapting Bad Goddess as a Storyboarded Fake Studio Pitch Fan Film series using stock animation he screencaptured and photoshopped off the Flights of Fancy dvds. Kevin's theory was that, because fan fiction could not be copyrighted, if he went out and made the series, nobody else could steal it either. He wouldn't be able to make a distribution deal with it, but he could release it on youtube and as long as he was honest about the bootleg nature of it. Kosuke Fujishima and Kodansha LTD, could've easily sued him for his efforts, but chose to ignore the series in silence even though Kevin sent them emails explaining what the show was. Kevin's show could be considered a blatant act of copyright infringement, but at the same time, all of the copyright owners characters crossed each other out and protected Kevin's work from being stolen even though he could never own it.

In 2017, halfway into Zombie Life TV's third season, the show was cancelled. Kevin was going to stay on with Fanboy TV, but some nasty gossip about a conversation he had with Logan Gordon concerning an old abusive relationship with Michael Ludlow got leaked around the station, and everyone was offended by Kevin's attempt to stay out of if, mistakenly thinking that he condoned Michael's actions. Kevin was not only scandalized off the station, but feared that it was Karmic Backlash for the Projectionist incident back in 2011 when he accidentally got his friend fired from Alamo Drafthouse Lake Creek. Kevin knew that if he ever continued on with his career somehow, the incident would be dragged out again to haunt him, and he felt that his station friends did it intentionally as the Ladies of Fandom were looking to get rid of him from the outset because of a vendetta brought on by Courtney Manor.

Kevin decided to make the best of things, going to a birthday party concert held by Brenda Dickerson at Kick Butt Coffee, and in his attempts to video record the show using his iphone7, realized he could shoot feature length documentaries on his phone for youtube. Kevin was able to use these Documentary Films, along with Zombie Life TV, and Bad Goddess, to build himself an IMDb resume as a director. Kevin's idea, was that the behind the scenes lives of the ZLTV cast and crew were much more interesting than the variety show they were putting on in front of the television cameras, and that all of the stars and past guests should be explored documentary style. Instead of making a bunch of fictional films, he would dedicate his film career to following the lives of his own friends, which could be shot for nothing on an iPhone. While Kevin doesn't have the industry clout to make distribution deals, he printed up dvd case copies for the local I LUV VIDEO and Goodwill so that his films would be lost within the video archives to be found by trash film collectors later in life.

Kevin eventually followed up Bad Goddess Season 1 & 2 with a third season called Marller Gets a Spinoff, which would be a crossover series with other Anime Shows like Doctor Who, Those Who Hunt Elves, Hellsing, Ghost in the Shell, Najica Blitz Tactics, Ex-Driver, Bubblegum Criss, Bio Booster Armor Guyver, Angel Tales, Love Hina, and A Certain Magical Index. While Kevin originally intended Bad Goddess to be a short and contained series, he continues to work on the cartoons month by month, as nobody has tried to stop him and the series costs nothing to make and post online. And in-between them, he adapt Kosuke Fujishima's other manga series into video comic format as a hobby (such as Paradise Residence, Toppu GP, and the original Oh My Goddess). Kevin sticks to the work of Kosuke Fujishima, as Fujishima has never had full control on how his work has been adapted to the screen and Kevin wants his video comic adaptations to be the most faithful versions of his work as possible.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: Kevin from the Other Dimension

Unique traits: Diagnosed with Severe Bipolar Disorder and Schizoaffective Disorder with Sever Manic Symptoms. His Mental Illness showcases itself within his articles and his writing of the cartoon characters featured within his Ah My Goddess video comics. In a way, his characters represent alternate parts of his personality disorder which have been visualized onscreen in cartoon format. Interned on a Public Access show called Zombie Life TV about paranormal conspiracy theories, often compared to as the Terry Gilliam of the Group. He moved on into Documentary Directing and makes Satire Anime Video Comic Cartoons about Ah My Goddess. Regarded as a Religious Satirist along the lines of Matt Stone and Trey Parker, or the Monty Python Troupe. Frequently discusses themes about Bootlegging, Internet Piracy, Anime Piracy, Ouija Board Spirits and the Occult, and Misrepresentations of Our Gods Through the Media, about how Movie Producers will do anything and everything to sell a character to an audience including taking a bunch of Dark Asatru Witchcraft figures and turning them into a bunch of Disney Princesses so that they would be marketable to the Anime Crowd. Nearly of the Voice Cast and Production Crew Members of the original Ah My Goddess series refuse to respond to him via email because of his mental health issues. Despite the fact that his Fan Film Pitch Series Bad Goddess falls under the category of New Media, Japan has threatened to Blacklist any Voice Actors who support Fan Made Material or use Fan Dubs on their Resume as it is view as an Unprofessional Act of Piracy. Strongly suspects that the Real Secret of the Oh My Goddess manga's success was not just due to the content of the series, but because mangaka Kosuke Fujishima was so obsessed and in love with his characters that he accidentally invoked the Spirits of the Real Goddesses from Norse Mythology. They blessed his series with Good Fortune when they realized Oh My Goddess gave their Asatru Religion Publicity as a Sacrificial Offering. Kevin Neece's explanation for how the real Verdandi Urdr and Skolde could exist within the spirit world when they are supposed to be Fictional Mythology is due to a custom where the Heathens name their children after Spiritual Deities and Dead Ancestors that dates all the way back to the Viking Periods, meaning there are Spirits and Angels in the Afterlife that may be named after the Mythology Gods, who answer in their place on a Ouija Board Ritual. Believes that his dabbling within the Occult and Ah My Goddess accidentally death cursed his own father, Jim Neece, which ironically led to a real life paranormal conspiracy involving an EPA Corruption Case concerning the San Jacinto Waste Pits. Has dedicated his Life to warning the Religious Community about the dangers of taking Fictional Cinematic and Animated Magical Films and TV Shows seriously as a form of religion. Tried to turn himself into the Authorities and the FBI multiple times as an informant when he realized his late father's case was a danger to the public in the Houston TX and Galveston TX areas. Frequently sends updates on his actions to the Austin Police Department, the FBI, the IPR, the CIA, the White House, and US Congress Representatives when he feels major crimes have been committed that are a serious danger to the public, despite the fact that he is a known internet pirate and former theater bootlegger.





  • Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Subliminal DVD Art Death Patterns Implying We Live in a Simulation

    Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Subliminal DVD Art Death Patterns Implying We Live in a Simulation (2025)
    Film by Director (Animation) Writer/Director The Death Goddess Hekate has possessed Kevin Neece and is showing him all of the warning signs that she has been targeting and killing the Hollywood Celebrity Community based on a Subliminal Pattern that appears in their Movies. The Psych Ward Doctors insist that Hekate is Schizoaffective Bipolar Disorder but her applications of Norse and Greek Mythology being applied to Hollywood Films is very amusing.

  • Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess One Wish

    Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess One Wish (2024)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director Robin Williams is put on Trial in the Afterlife for the Crime of Taking His Own Life, and Marlon Wayans is his Lawyer. During Trial Recess the Two of Them visit Gotham City from Tim Burton's Batman.

  • Adam Ruins Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess & Marller Gets a Spinoff

    Adam Ruins Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess & Marller Gets a Spinoff (2023 - 2024)
    TV Series by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director Adam Ruins Bad Goddess showcases what Kevin Neece's Ah My Goddess Fan Film spinoff would look like if Adam Conover and Rhea Butcher from Adam Ruins Everything both played the public access time lord character Doctor What.

  • You're Under Arrest... Again: The Tragedy of Botham Jean

    You're Under Arrest... Again: The Tragedy of Botham Jean (2024)
    Film by Kevin Neece Writer/Director Miyuki Kobayakawa suffers a fantasy nightmare where she becomes the shooter of Botham Jean. As a consequence, she is forced to watch in horror as it brings down a social media nightmare upon the Bokuto Police Department.

  • Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess War Games

    Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess War Games (2023)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director When Kevin Neece becomes possessed by a Death Goddess named Hekate and launches a Terrorist Attack on America based on eX-Driver, Kosuke Fujishima is challenged to a Trial of the Gods motorcycle race from New York City to Austin Texas.

  • Ah My Job Hunting Goddess: Fans Only aka A Dirty Shame Part 2

    Ah My Job Hunting Goddess: Fans Only aka A Dirty Shame Part 2 (2023)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director When a Security Camera Sex Video of Belldandy performing Oral Sex on her Bosses on the Job goes viral on the internet and gets her fired, Belldandy decides to start her own Fans Only Adult Video Account.

  • Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Let's Save Vic Morrow

    Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Let's Save Vic Morrow (2023)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director Goddesses Urd and Skuld force Directors Steven Spielberg, Joe Dante, and George Miller to Time Travel back to the day when Vic Morrow and Two Children were killed by a Helicopter Accident on the set of John Landis Twilight Zone: The Movie.

  • Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Who Shot Mike Richardson?

    Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Who Shot Mike Richardson? (2023)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director The Goddesses attend a Dark Horse Comics Release Party and befriend David Harbour while coming to terms that they are just not famous anymore. When CEO Mike Richardson is murdered, David Harbour is Framed leaving Skuld to Solve the Mystery

  • Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Wacky Go Lucky

    Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Wacky Go Lucky (2023)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director Kosuke Fujishima falls victim to a work stress related nightmare where Kodansha Ltd CEO Yoshinobu Noma is financially backing his Political Campaign to run for Prime Minister of Japan. Kosuke Fujishima is under orders to throw the Election

  • Kevin Neece's The Morning After

    Kevin Neece's The Morning After (2021)
    Documentary by Kevin Neece Director Kevin Neece weathers the snow storm in Austin Texas with his mother Debbie Brand and his stepfather Don Wolfe as they undergo 58 hours without power in extremely cold temperatures that are terrorizing everyone in Texas.

  • Ah My Goddess: Marller Gets a Spinoff Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw

    Ah My Goddess: Marller Gets a Spinoff Sailor Moon vs Jigsaw (2021)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director As Doctor What plans to Death Curse the Republican Party on Halloween, the Marller Gang borrows the Tardis to help Uncle Jigsaw move to Sailor Moon's City where he becomes an Overnight Celebrity for playing Disco Songs.

  • Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Touched by an Angel

    Ah My Goddess: Bad Goddess Touched by an Angel (2021)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director The Three Fates travel from Norway to Los Angeles to cameo on Touched by an Angel only to be rejected. To prove themselves worthy, they champion Homeless Actor Willie Aames as Bibleman in a Trial of the Gods based on Dante's Inferno.

  • Ah! My Goddess: Bad Goddess The Anime Video Comic

    Ah! My Goddess: Bad Goddess The Anime Video Comic (2017 - 2021)
    TV Series by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director When Planet Earth is destroyed in a Nuclear Holocaust, the Goddesses and the Nekomi Gang are forced to relocate to the futuristic world of Planet Belldandy, where they find themselves battling a terrorist group called The Individual Me's alongside Everybody's Favorite Public Access Time Lord, Doctor What.

  • A Tour of Alamo Drafthouse Locations in Austin Texas Pre-Covid 19 Shut Down

    A Tour of Alamo Drafthouse Locations in Austin Texas Pre-Covid 19 Shut Down (2020)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Short) Director Kevin Neece reveals some old footage that he shot of the Alamo Drafthouse locations in case it was needed for a future documentary, detailing a time when all of the theaters were still open.

  • A Visit to Gruene Antique Company

    A Visit to Gruene Antique Company (2020)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #AntiqueShops Kevin Neece gets dragged out into the middle of nowhere by his mother for a music celebration and keeps himself busy by video documenting an aesthetically pleasing Antique Shop.

  • The Gore Noir Eighth Anniversary Special

    The Gore Noir Eighth Anniversary Special (2019)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues #GoreNoir Brenda Dickerson, Kevin Neece, and Sarah Webb attend a Gore Noir magazine tribute concert for the late Dave Brockie, of Gwar fame, featuring music by local Austin TX bands Sodomy Cop, Venustra, Stitched Up, and Worm Suicide. …

  • You're Under Arrest... Again

    You're Under Arrest... Again (2018 - 2019)
    TV Series by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director The You're Under Arrest Gang are back - and this time, they're going for the Jugular. Watch as they try to keep up with Current Events that hit the Local Austin TX News in outspoken conversations that will have you tearing your hair out.

  • Mike SB's Run It Back

    Mike SB's Run It Back (2019)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Music) Director Kevin Neece gets draft by London music channel Jinjur Jiant Media to make a bizarre movie mashup rap music video using no more than 15 to 30 seconds from each film source.

  • A Certain Magical Pimpdex: Extended Edition

    A Certain Magical Pimpdex: Extended Edition (2019)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Animation) Writer/Director When a Mad Scientist brainwashes the Index Gang into Master Pimps and freezes all of the hard drives at Funimation, Doctor Who and the Marller Gang go on a Quest Through 1990s Cinema called The Gauntlet to find the lost cast members of Do the Right Thing.

  • Video Stores Still Exist: A Tour of I Luv Video

    Video Stores Still Exist: A Tour of I Luv Video (2019)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #VideoStores A short video detailing the layout of I Luv Video located off of Airport Blvd in Austin Texas, that walks up and down all of the aisles and sections. I Luv Video is one of the oldest and largest video stores still working today.

  • The Secret Life of Naomi Peterson

    The Secret Life of Naomi Peterson (2019)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #PhotoAlbumMemorial Director Kevin Neece paints a portrait of his late grandmother Naomi's life by showcasing over one thousand of her world tour vacation photos from the 1980s and 1990s set to a classic music soundtrack.

  • Punk Rock Groupies Give CHUMP a Blowie at Beerland Texas

    Punk Rock Groupies Give CHUMP a Blowie at Beerland Texas (2019)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues Brenda Dickerson and Kevin Neece shoot a concert movie at Beerland Texas for the bands Dr Scientist, Favor, The Blowies, Aint Nothins, and Chump as a promotional film for the music industry scouts.

  • Oh My Goddess: The Niflheim Rebellion Saga

    Oh My Goddess: The Niflheim Rebellion Saga (2017 - 2018)
    TV Series by Kevin Neece (Animation) Director/Editor When Hild-sama falls to a Coup d'Etat, the Goddesses go on a quest into the heart of Niflheim to fight a series of wizards duels against a rogue's gallery of Demons to save Planet Earth from being thrown out of Spiritual Balance.

  • The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger

    The Story of a Blacklisted Bootlegger (2018)
    TV Series by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director Kevin Neece confesses the story of his wicked life for the APD and the FBI, and it's the Scandal Biopic you've been waiting for. It's been described as Self-Destructive, Self-Delusional, and Surreal.

  • Brenda Fest at Texas Mist

    Brenda Fest at Texas Mist (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues Brenda Dickerson brings Brenda Fest back for Round Two at Texas Mist with musical guests Chris Toast and the Jerks, Evil Flying Chickens, Pretties for You, Kounter Mezhure, and Worm Suicide, plus Burlesque and Rope Bondage acts...

  • Road Stops: The Trip Home

    Road Stops: The Trip Home (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #RoadTrip After shooting the documentary, Danny My Boy, on the drive home, Kevin from the Other Dimension video documents his leg stretch breaks at local restaurants and highway rest stops.

  • Danny, My Boy!

    Danny, My Boy! (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #FuneralDocumentary #Paranormal Kevin Neece makes a documentary covering the day of his Father's Funeral. Ironically, his father was an Atheist, and his church-going relatives try to rewrite his religious choice to their own liking during the Funeral Sermon.

  • The Gore Noir Seventh Anniversary Special

    The Gore Noir Seventh Anniversary Special (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues #GoreNoir ZLTV's Kevin Neece covers a Gore Noir Magazine Anniversary party hosted by Saul Ravencraft, featuring music acts by MeatHook and the Vital Organs, Rebel Flesh, and Interment, along with Fire Acts, Burlesque Acts, and Female Blood Wrestling.

  • Brenda Dickerson meets Christeene at the Museum of Human Achievement

    Brenda Dickerson meets Christeene at the Museum of Human Achievement (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues #ChristeeneVale ZLTV Regulars Brenda Dickerson, Kevin Neece, and newcomer Sarah Webb go to an album release party for Christeene's Basura. Featuring musical performances by Christeene, Toxic Water, and Hey Jellie.

  • Pretties for You at Texas Mist

    Pretties for You at Texas Mist (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues #AliceCooper ZLTV regulars Brenda Dickerson and Kevin Neece set out to shoot a follow-up feature film to the "Pretties for You" Alice Cooper cover band episode.

  • Ask Carol at the Full Moon Barn Dance

    Ask Carol at the Full Moon Barn Dance (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues Kevin gets dragged to local SXSW Barn Dance and makes the best of things by filming a Norwegian music act called Ask Carol.

  • Down and Dirty at the Dirty Dog Bar

    Down and Dirty at the Dirty Dog Bar (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues Kevin Neece and Brenda Dickerson attempt to film a six hour concert event at the Dirty Dog Bar, but Kevin can only record two hours of footage on his phone, leaving him only 48 hours to figure out how to condense six hours into a two hour movie in advance. Featuring the musical talents of: Texas Microphone Massacre, Sine, New World Architects, and Shadow Fashion.

  • The Copa Kings at the Highball

    The Copa Kings at the Highball (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues #AlamoDrafthouse Kevin shoots an on the fly documentary about the Copa Kings, a local swing jazz group from Austin, TX, at the Highball, located in Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar.

  • She Liked It Spooky: A Celebration for Ebony Strange at the Elysium

    She Liked It Spooky: A Celebration for Ebony Strange at the Elysium (2018)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #SXSW #LiveMusicVenues Kevin and Brenda attempt to film a Drag/Burlesque Charity show for the late Ebony Strange's son she left behind. But there's a problem. The Elysium is too noisy, too dark, and nothing goes as planned. Ironically, the film is fascinating.

  • The Magical World of Saul Ravencraft

    The Magical World of Saul Ravencraft (2017)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #OccultMuseum #MuseumoftheWeird Journey into the Spiritual World of Saul Ravencraft, as we see him horror host The Vault of Horror at Mr Tramps, perform Tarot Card readings at the Co-Exist Metaphysical Market, and take us on a tour of Museum of the Weird in Austin, TX.

  • Merry Killmas 2: Electric Boogaloo at the 4th Tap Brewery Co-op

    Merry Killmas 2: Electric Boogaloo at the 4th Tap Brewery Co-op (2017)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #BadMovieCommentary #MST3K The former cast of ZLTV attends a screening of Black Christmas at the 4th Tap Brewery Co-op, which turns into an extremely vulgar audience reaction improv comedy set for the ages.

  • Pray for Death: A John Carpenter Tribute at the Leona Gallery

    Pray for Death: A John Carpenter Tribute at the Leona Gallery (2017)
    Film by Kevin Neece (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess #ArtGallery #JohnCarpenter Kevin from the Other Dimension and Brenda Dickerson of Zombie Life TV hang out at a local Austin, Texas Art Gallery Exhibit of works based on the films of John Carpenter.

  • Zombie Life TV

    Zombie Life TV (2017)
    TV Series (Documentary) Director #AustinPublicAccess Witness the Rise and Fall and Eventual Rebirth of Zombie Life TV as they push the buttons of Austin Public Access every week to see what they can get away with on late night television. Warning: Not for the Squeamish or Easily Offended.


  • EdiPlay International Film Festival Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • NYC Independent Film Festival Best Feature Animation - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Filmovia International Film Festival Best Animation Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Accolade Global Film Competition Best Experimental - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Hollywood Hype International Film Festival Best Animation Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Athens International Monthly Art Film Festival Honorary Mention - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Movie Play International Film Festival Honorary Mention - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Multi Dimension Independent Film Festival Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Washington DC International Cinema Festival Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Cineverse International Film Festival Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • FilmNest International Film Festival Finalist Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Chalachitra International Film Awards Finalist Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Cine Vista Oasis Film Awards Finalist Best Animation Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Script Symphony Award Finalist Best Animation Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Ecovision Global Film Festival Finalist Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Spring Time International Film Festival Finalist Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Oz Indie Film Festival Best Animation - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Pageant Film Festival Finalist Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Florence Film Awards Best Animated Feature - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • London Movie Awards Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • The Flight Deck Film Festival Honorable Mention - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Swedish International Film Festival Outstanding Achievement - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Humro Cinema Film Fest Finalist Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Fusionfilm International Film Festival Finalist Best Animated Film - Let's Save Vic Morrow

  • Elegant International Film Festival Finalist Best Animated Film - Let’s Save Vic Morrow

  • Stingray International Film Festival Finalist Best Animation Film - Let’s Save Vic Morrow

  • Global Visionaries Film Festival Finalist Best Animation Film

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