More of my color grading on an optical illusion sometimes referred to as video... Original video by Matthias Groeneveld.
Some more of my color grading over the stock video. This time besides the actual color grading itself, I also added some effects like glow. There's no audio. Original video by Ron Lach. Produced using 3D LUT Creator and Adobe Premiere Pro
I mean, it's like the polar opposite of my previous trials... Original video by German Korb.
Cool stuff... Another test of my overdramatic color grading on moving images... Original video by SHVETS production.
Another test of my overdramatic color grading on moving images... Original video by Pat Whelen.
Another test of my overdramatic color grading on moving images... Original video by Pat Whelen.
Anyway, I finally tried applying my favorite extreme color grading to a stock drone video to prove to myself that it works on more than just static imagery. In my opinion, it looks good enough, but in this case, the compression of the video itself in combination with the strong exposure of colors in some places creates a flickering effect caused by the manifestation of so-called "jpg artifacts". This probably wouldn't have happened if the footage wasn't compressed so much, besides, it could...