Carlos Esquivel

Carlos Esquivel


Medellín, Colombia

Member Since:
February 2021
Last online:
1 week ago
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About Carlos

Hi. I'm Carlos, I'm from Colombia and now I'm developing my dream to be a screenwriter.

I like to write stories where mix topics such as history, fantasy, horror, sci-fiction, thriller, natural sciences, ancient legends, nature, cultures, comedy, black comedy, etc. I want to learn more about different screenplays topics, stories, perspectives... It is a continues process.

I've learned about script writing with master Dany Campos and his course "Pegamento en la Butaca". I did the screenplay workshop "Escribir, filmar y vivir" with the Argentinian filmmaker Paula Markovitch. I'm continue learning by-myself and, of course, reading screenplays and watching movies.

Some of my favorite screenwriters are: Billy Wilder, Quentin Tarantino, Bong Joon-ho, Coen brothers, Guillermo del Toro, etc.

I want to meet people from cinema world and interchange knowledge.

Recently my first screenplay Rocket (a podcast tale) was produced by Studio Ochenta (2021). Listen it in English or Spanish.




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