"The Proteus Logs" is a Western Steampunk proof of concept for a television series. It follows the adventures of four unlikely teammates in the Florida 1800s...
"There is a dark room in all of us. Sometimes something moves in!" Father Leonard is called in to perform an exorcism on Felicia's husband, Thomas. But what he faces he wasn't expecting. FINALIST - Industry Boost Competition 2016 OFFICIAL SELECTION - Chhatrapati Shivaji International Film Festival 2016 SEMI-FINALIST - Hollywood Screenings Film Festival 2016
Some doors should remain closed. Another earlier Let's Make a Movie production sees completion with the help from Damp Basement Films.
This is the interview I had with Christian Rivera from KQ 93.7 FM here in Orlando and another station that was streaming live from the Room 236 premiere afte...
Another great video compilation from the "Rip Roarin' on the Ave" photoshoot from May 2014 that plays as a trailer to a film concept photographer, videographer, and friend Aziz Maazouz came up with. Aziz does a lot of the BTS footage here in Orlando for independent films. We are both members of "Let's Make a Movie." Shortly after this photoshoot we shot some test footage on an old train in Mt. Dora with the robbery story from this in mind.
This video was done by Richard Hayes Photography showing a collection of his pictures, along with some behind the scenes footage and nostalgic music for a photoshoot I was in with a 1920s era theme.
I brief preview of the music video I played the bad guy cowboy in. The full video should be out soon. This song is also the theme song to the series "Hit Women." The creator of this show is working on a new series called "Transcend" that I will be in. RUN (Pick Up The Gun) Coming Soon! © 2015 JANANI. All Right Reserved.
I play an important character in this film. This trailer was done last year before my scenes were shot and a new trailer is due out soon. The red carpet premiere will be taking place later this fall here in Orlando, Florida and is expected to bring in a big draw of public and industry attention. FACEBOOK MOVIE PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/UnrightJustice Movie Trailer composed & edited by: Armin Alic Music by: Phantom Power & Audiomachine
I shot a series of BTS videos with my phone on the set of Cassandra interviewing some of the cast and crew. This is one with Joe Costa, who not only has written and produced many of our short films, but is also the person who heads up the "Let's Make a Movie" group. Cassandra is currently in post production and is expected to make it's premiere around Halloween, the perfect time for a ghost story.
This is the promo we helped shoot to raise interest in Kid Kulinaire. I have a brief appearance in it ("and cut!") but worked on additional footage we shot to help market the program. As of this posting (July 2015), the show has sponsors and should be locking in a distribution deal soon and go into full production.