Anfernee Robinson is a renowned Mangaka who created Shonen Manga "Akai" and the first Double-Dutch Sports Manga. He now host 6 total #1 Best Selling Titles on Amazon while staying self published. All of this was after becoming a top pro gamer in the world during 2018 for Anime Fighting games.
After gaining 1,000,000 reads on his first title; he now writes, Directs, and Produces Manga and Anime world-wide.
The Presence of Juju Fantasy ⋄ Family In early 1900s Nigeria, an orphan learns of her magical lineage, and now she must prepare herself to stop the British Military invasion
Double Dutch!! Budget: $5M - $10M | Sports In the 80’s - Double Dutch finds its way to New York, and takes over the globe!
Akai (Manga)