Hello, I am a late in life student or re-student if you will. I went back to school to study screenwriting and film making and am having the time of my ever-shortening life. I've written some short films and just finished my first feature script. I am just here to soak up some writing goodness and maybe find some tips and tricks if there is such a thing.
The First Girls Budget: $5M - $10M | Horror ⋄ Comedy At Terror Con, during the annual meeting of the First Girls, a famous Final Girl is brutally murdered. An alarm sounds, the Con goes into lockdown, and now the remaining girls both First and Final must find a way out while escaping a killer with an unknown motive.
The Grey Lady Budget: $0 - $100K | Horror Anna's daughter has been dead for years. Since her death, The Grey Lady has been chipping away with unspeakable whispers at Anna's resolve to live. Tonight may be the night Anna finally listens.
ap*pe*tite Budget: $5M - $10M | Other ⋄ Horror An obese, gay man suffers humiliation at the hands of an old bully. His resolve to permanently lose weight enrages his physically perfect mirror image, who fights its way into the man's world to eat the people who threaten their bond.
Quarterfinalist Stage 32 Search for New Blood
Runner Up-Southern California Screenplay Competition