Great day dancing Bollywood with 40 kids at a government school in Banolia, Ranikhet. After rehearsing the choreography to one the latest song 'Bom Diggy Bom Bom' from the film Sonu ke Teetu ki Sweety, what actually happened on the dance floor, was a complete riot! On popular demand had to teach on the spot choreography to the catchy 'Nagin Dance' song. It was a pleasure to teach the kids, who danced with fantastic energy and talent.
IF THESE KIDS CAN DANCE BOLLYWOOD, SO CAN YOU! BREAK ALL RULES AND DANCE BOLLYWOOD THIS MONSOON SEASON! COME Dance BOLLYWOOD i with Acotr and Dancer Reema Sarin, classes starting Monday, July 9th, where you will learn: · Mainstream and sophisticated BOLLYWOOD DANCE moves, forms and Choreography which is a mixture of Bollywood, Hip –hop, Jazz, Modern Dancing, Bhangra, Salsa and other Latino dance moves (e.g. Merengue, Samba, Flamenco) to popular and the latest Bollywood songs and remixes....
Reema Sarin's BOLLYFIT Workout – BOLLYFIT SKIPS BOLLYFIT Skipping at 200 beats per minute gives one a fantastic cardio workout and it raises your heart rate to a fat burn level. High intensity Skipping is an incredible calorie and fat burner, and a great toner for the legs and thigh muscles. Burn fat, calories, Tone up and get that great body. Call on 9871698894 and Enroll today for BOLLYFIT!
Reema Sarin's Bollytoning Hamstring exercises are fantastic for strengthening and toning the Hamstring or the Back Thigh muscles. The exercises include pushing up the leg straight, knee at a 90 degree angle with the foot flexed, and leg curls pushes. The exercise routine ends with Hamstring muscle and leg stretches.
Welcome to Reema Sarin’s BOLLYFIT WARM UP & BREATHING EXERCISES. EXERCISES which includes side stretches, waist warm up exercises, thigh lunges, travel moves with knee lifts, leg curls and side kicks, to get you ready for the BOLLYFIT Cardio Workout! BOLLYFIT is a fusion of fitness dance moves with aerobics, cardio kick boxing, bollywood, bhangra, hip-hop, jazz, modern, funk, flamenco moves, synchronized to the latest bollywood music at 200 beats per minute, the fastest in the dance...
Reema Sarin's new BOLLYFIT Showreel - BOLLYFIT is fusion of high and low impact aerobics, step dance aerobics, cardio kick boxing, core training moves with sophisticated bollywood, bhangra, hip-hop, jazz, modern, funk, fitness dance, synchronized to popular bollywood music at 200 beats per minute, the fastest in the fitness industry globally! Reema Sarin's Bollytoning Abdominal Crunch exercises are fantastic for losing the fat in the entire abdominal area, and for toning the lower, upper and...
Dear All, Excited about announcing Reema Sarin’s Brand New BOLLYFIT Youtube Channel: BOLLYFIT is a own fusion of sophisticated bollywood, bhangra, hip-hop, jazz, modern, funk, flamenco, fitness dance and cardio kick boxing moves, synchronized to popular bollywood music at 200 beats per minute, the fastest in the dance industry globally! Get a new Body – Lose Weight, Strength Train and Tone Up! Fitness with Fun! Come BOLLYFIT with us!
Reema Sarin is an Actor, Model, Dancer, Choreographer, Anchor shows, as well as the Founder of the BOLLYFIT program. Reema performs BOLLYFIT and BOLLYWOOD shows and teaches workshops, which is her own fusion of sophisticated bollywood, jazz, funk and fitness dance moves, synchronized to popular bollywood music at 140 beats per minute, the fastest in the dance and fitness industry globally!
The Belly zone is probably where we put on weight first, and it is one of the most difficult spot areas to lose fat from! To truly tame your trouble spots, y...