Terence Klassen's Lounge Discussions

Kyle Haines
Does listening to music while writing help you?

For me it does. I can't write with pure silence. My question for you guys is that, does this help you? I've been wondering this for a little while.

Terence Klassen

As a lifetime of being a Jazz music enthusiast, I have a huge selection of awesome tunes to fit my mood and soundtrack for whatever I am writing.

Bill Albert

Yes, there are times it helps me get into the flow of things. Sometimes it's going with the opposite of what I'm writing. I was writing a serious drama and was listening to really up beat rock and roll music to help me from getting to down from the horror the characters were living.

Frank Hauser

Music most definitely helps me. Sometimes I have to make sure that I have music playing BEFORE I start so I'm eased into the right headspace, otherwise I get distracted by whatever shiny thing happens to catch my attention. #adhdwriting

Tasha Lewis

All the time. Illustration when I have been location scouting via Luxury film homes on my Stage 32 Wall, the music in each video not only motivates me but gives me story ideas.

Debbie Elicksen

Sometimes I will have music on, but when it's hair metal or a song I really love, it totally distracts me because then I feel like getting up to dance.

Zuzana Fort
AMA - ask me anything

Hello all, you wonderful Stage 32 peeps. I trust this finds you all well and getting creative... Thanks for reading my blog and all your amazing comments, and thank you, @Shellie Schmals, for catching up with me today via IG live. It's always a fantastic feeling to realise I am part of this huge and...

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Zuzana Fort

Hi Peter. It is difficult to say whether actors today have lost the ability to memorise lines. It is the nature of film and TV that scripts are divided into short sequences that do not require too muc...

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the very detailed answer, Zuzana Fort. I'm sure it'll help because I like to try different methods when outlining and writing scripts.

"Perhaps it is the wrong thing to do, but I generally w...

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Zuzana Fort

Hey Criag, apologies for the delay in responding, my trusty laptop died... It had a good life, 13 years and it was time to let it go... Funnily enough, it had far larger storage and memory than any of...

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Zuzana Fort

Hi Sam, that is a great question and very relevant now, with so many of us donning multiple hats. The answer is not quite so simple. I do believe in being as versatile as possible and gaining as many...

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Zuzana Fort

Great question, Emily.

Whether I work with an actor that I am doubling on or not, really depends on the actor that I am doubling. There are times when the actor is not on set and that obviously affects...

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Terence Klassen
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov

I am curious about this book, which features in  Bladerunner2049. Had anyone read it and what are your thoughts on it.

Terence Klassen

Pale Fire

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