I write and host shows about the future of technology.
I also write animated/comedy content for the web.
Unique traits: LRP5 Mutant.
Fyr3: The Third (Mostly Crowdsourced) Fyre Festival Documentary
by Joey Clift (Documentary)
Influencer - Self After Netflix and Hulu released their documentaries, Fyr3 steps into the Fyre Festival arena to complete the trilogy with a mostly crowdsourced documentary about everyone's favorite disaster of a music festival.
Masters of Content
Working Titl
by Microsoft / Skype
Writer / Host Web series focused on influencers and how they use Skype for content creation—hosted by Eugene Capon.
Gliched: A VR Talk Show
by Studio capon, Altpsace, High Fidelity
Writer/Host Eugene Capon (Capon Design) and Christopher (Topher) Welsh interview internet personalities, celebrities, and XR professionals in virtual space. Running 3 seasons,
Evergreen State College