Paul Rosengren

Paul Rosengren


Glen Rock, New Jersey

Member Since:
July 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Paul

I have been a corporate or political writer for more than 25 years and am now writing for myself — a play, a book (published), a TV pilot (or two) and a movie.
Play: A Time To Go — one act futuristic play examining senior issues
Book: In Time of Covid: One Hospital’s Struggles and Triumphs (Winner Best Independent Book Award in medical category)
TV Pilot: Widows & Widowers (half hour comedy) Quarterfinalist Studio 32 Comedy competition
TV Pilot: The Wandered (hour limited series drama)
Movie: Catch! (Teen action)





  • Widows & Widowers

    Widows & Widowers Comedy More than a parody of reality dating shows, Widows & Widowers is a heartwarming and humorous parody of life, following the journey of the shoestring production of TV show Golden Sunsets and its contestants: eight widows and two widowers (two because, well, just in case).

  • Wanderer (Holder title)

    Wanderer (Holder title) Drama Preston Pages with his over developed sense of justice and need to make the world a better place, wanders from American town to American town, leveraging his money to make life better for at least one person – and sometimes himself. Think Kung Fu but instead of a guy with a rucksack walking down the road, Preston rides into town in a Karamm Ghia (1970's VW sportscar) with too little trunk space for luggage – real or emotional.


  • Best Independent Book award (medical category)

  • Quarterfinalist -- Stage 32 TV Comedy Screenwriting Competition

  • Semifinalist -- Screencraft Comedy Pilot competition

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