Just different!
I’ve had an eventfully BLESSED life!
At 5 I walked home from preschool (3 blocks) with a key letting myself in and fixed lunch for myself and my great grandfather. My parents and I then moved to a new town where I was picked on and ridiculed for the texture of my hair (white boy hair), the music I listen to (Everything from Jim Croce, Aerosmith, Elton John to EPMD, Big Daddy Kane, Nipsey Mozzy), the movies (can’t by me love, BMX bandits, the never ending story, Star Wars, a clockwork orange, Bugsy making) and shows I watched (the twilight zone, the honeymooners, Alfred Hitchcock hour, Benny hill, Cheers) having friends of all races and ethnicities, not having money for Jordan’s and cool clothes from grades 5-9.
I went off to college played football, was a three time all American and broke every single school record. I was a professional athlete and played in countries like Germany and Sweden.
I wasa directors of a group home!
I managed an insurance company!
I owned a gym!
My intent is to tell stories from my unique perspective and how I see the world. I would hear directors say they had to find their voice and that’s what less seasoned filmmakers needed to do. I often wondered what that meant…… making my first short film I’ve come to realize it’s knowing what makes you….. you! Effectively conveying your message…. Making clear what your vision is, telling your story as you see it. I’m not sure how’s other directors envision things but, I think visually, I see what I write! As other artists such as painters, musicians and photographers are limited in their expressions, directing encompasses it all….. photography, music, tones, color of the day or night, tempo of the conversation, flow of the visuals, timing……. IT’S AMAZING…
My greatest gift is my imagination…. Huge in part to be grounded almost all the time when I was younger (Lololol).
Next is my work ethic and dedication which I believe I acquired during my playing career. My goal is simple to win an Oscar by bringing people closer together over a tub of popcorn, cherry slushees and A Bobby Wallace Production…. See you there!
Matthew 7 Drama A man is unwilling to recognize his privilege even in the face of the undeniable… so he will be made to experience the contradiction.