Edo Van Hasselt

Edo Van Hasselt

Location Manager, Marketing/pr, Post-Production Supervisor, Production Coordinator, Screenwriter and Story Analyst

Lima, Peru

Member Since:
November 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Edo

I have worked in the broadcasting field since 1982 as operations manager.

Then I have worked in the soap box opera production and operations of the company.

I have always had fascination for real events and fictionalizing it.

My first movie script is on the 2017 astronomical event, Oumuamua or the First Scout that comes from very far.

I created an action - adventure story on the events that happened between October 7 to 14 of 2017, when a scout ship was shot down during a Polar orbit flight.

The novel I am writing now is from a priest that is summoned to Switzerland to visit CERN and find out what are the cause of the events taking place in there.




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