Hello, I've never done a 48 hour film project before but would be interested in helping out. I'm a produced screenwriter with two awards based in Houston, Texas. Let me know how and if I can help. Thanks, Lilia
Hello, I've never done a 48 hour film project before but would be interested in helping out. I'm a produced screenwriter with two awards based in Houston, Texas. Let me know how and if I can help. Thanks, Lilia
Hello all, I wanted to offer all the members of Stage 32 a free copy of my novel. Want a baby? Get permission. Four people are about to break this law in "Ordinance 93." Link below. Enjoy! http://www.amazon.com/Ordinance-93-L-Fabry-ebook/dp/B00H5BRD0W/ref=sr_1_......
Expand postHello all, I wanted to offer all the members of Stage 32 a free copy of my novel. Want a baby? Get permission. Four people are about to break this law in "Ordinance 93." Link below. Enjoy! http://www.amazon.com/Ordinance-93-L-Fabry-ebook/dp/B00H5BRD0W/ref=sr_1_...
Hola Im a director, script writer and actress, from South America, Chile, we are Preparing the premiere of my movie called HEMBRA ( Female) for this year. Here is a link With the Synopsis: http://youtu.be/RYeMebbSnP0 We are looking for Distributors from outside of Chile. Have a great Sunday....
Expand postHola Im a director, script writer and actress, from South America, Chile, we are Preparing the premiere of my movie called HEMBRA ( Female) for this year. Here is a link With the Synopsis: http://youtu.be/RYeMebbSnP0 We are looking for Distributors from outside of Chile. Have a great Sunday.
nice, enjoyed
Very interesting!
wow....I would want to see it!
I would love to see it with the English sub titles and if you want it to crossover, you should think about a remake in English. It is strong visually plus the moody piano works well too :)
Nice job, Isis.
Hey all - this is the book trailer for my latest novel COOL SIDE OF THE PILLOW. Would love to see an indie filmmaker take notice of the book to use as source material for film. (We're supposed to dream it, right?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUC6AsTKgCI...
Expand postHey all - this is the book trailer for my latest novel COOL SIDE OF THE PILLOW. Would love to see an indie filmmaker take notice of the book to use as source material for film. (We're supposed to dream it, right?) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUC6AsTKgCI
Thanks Roger! Just tried to pick moments out of the story to share with readers (visually). Thanks for watching it.
Great trailer! Have you shared this within the Google+ Indie film producer circles or the Film Festival groups? Great location to share & maybe one of them will get excited. Awesome New Movie for someone wanting to get noticed. Oh, where can I find your novel?
Thanks, Cindy. I haven't seen that group on Google + (I'm so not great at the social media site), but I need to find it. Oh...and here is the link to the novel. http://www.amazon.com/Cool-Side-Pillow-...
Expand commentThanks, Cindy. I haven't seen that group on Google + (I'm so not great at the social media site), but I need to find it. Oh...and here is the link to the novel. http://www.amazon.com/Cool-Side-Pillow-ebook/dp/B00B9JYQ1K/ref=la_B0054U... Thanks again for your feedback!
After seeing the trailer I am really looking forward to reading the book, good luck with it.
Michael - the cover was done by: www.tatlin.net Shannon...thanks so much! It's available as a download on Amazon. :-)
Looking to work with someone who loves to write? Feel free to contact for more info on high concept comedy script, drama/thriller, and even a low budget TV pilot.