Hi Everyone!, just wanted to say hello, come here now and again for inspiration
Hi Everyone!, just wanted to say hello, come here now and again for inspiration
Hi, hope everyone is well, I'm a multimedia journalist in Cape Town, have been producing Feature video's on various topics, but want to start producing longer more in-depth documentaries. How should one get started - first shoot the entire documentary and try sell it or shoot a preview and then try get funding ?
Preview to get funding, then sell later.
Hi Everyone, I'm working in Cape Town as a photographer, shoot pretty much anything, was recently awarded the CNN African photographer of the Year 2013 award, you can get hold of me for work at photo@adrian.org.za or www.adrian.org.za...
Expand postHi Everyone, I'm working in Cape Town as a photographer, shoot pretty much anything, was recently awarded the CNN African photographer of the Year 2013 award, you can get hold of me for work at photo@adrian.org.za or www.adrian.org.za
Hi Everyone, I'm a freelance photographer based in Cape Town, South Africa, you can see my facebook profile on https://www.facebook.com/adrian.org.za Adrian
Pleased to meet you, fellow Capetonian
I need a script to shoot anyone have one ?