My grandpa was a government service holder for that our family Seattle in Dhaka from 1965. My father was a business man. Real estate is our family business. My education all in Dhaka base. I got master degree in management from Jagannath university what is one of two university in Dhaka. In my professional career I did job lots of company in different post and different business platform I try to build up my professional activity. On the other hand my grandparents both was cultural activity's. They sang well, writing songs, litaratur and many more. As like blood bonding I was had band where I play guitar singing, writing and film making is my passion. I get admitted in Bangladesh cinema and television institute ( BCTI) post graduate diploma in film making what I didn't complete. But still I have looking to work in this line. I have more then 35 script write by me and still writing. At last I need a proper platform to work what I am looking for. That's all my dear.
Unique traits: Writing,film making, project profile develop.