Shirin Rashidian

Shirin Rashidian


Paris, France

Member Since:
February 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Shirin

Shirin Rashidian graduated from EmLyon Business School. After a career at iTunes as curator (TV/Movies), she decides that she wants to tell stories. Her favourite subjects are serendipity, mistaken identity and roots. She attends online courses at UCLA and goes to Columbia University for a summer program. She starts with writing sketch comedy. She has won the public & jury prize at the pitch sessions in Valence Script Festival in 2016 for her film The Promised Land. Her rom-com series A numbers game has been screened on Pickle TV since 2019. She co-wrote Noon, a short animated movie about the evolution of bread in Iran in the past 40 years (shooting). It has won 2 CNC grands. Since then, she won The SACD Series Europe grand for a dystopian drama on obesity and two CNC grands : for a courtroom drama (with Denis Lima) and a ”coming of old-age” comedy (with Déborah Hadjedj-Jarmon). Shirin speaks French, English, Persian, Italian and Spanish.



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