If stories are medicine, then Animation is the ideal delivery method.
My name is Law Jackson and I'm a Multimedia Producer for my freelance business Kinetic Text.
As an 80's kid it was my dream to be an animator. I was pretty serious about it so I dropped out of college to chase my dream and got my first job in games thanks to a referral.
Back then, you had to know how to draw really, REALLY well to animate. If you couldn't draw- you couldn't animate! My older colleagues now what I'm talking about :)
A lot has changed over the years and animation became more and more dependent on technology- which was a good thing! But, over time, animation, like the other arts became more commoditized so to stand out I found myself needing to get better at storytelling- because no one really cares what method of easing you're using on your interpolated keyframes.
As a result, the focus of my craft has shifted to Storytelling.
Nice to meet Everyone!
I hope you're doing well.
Thanks for sharing. Robert McKee's STORY was Pixar's bible at their beginning.
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Bob Harper what about recently?
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Law Jackson I think Save The Cat has infiltrated all of the studios. But it still boils down to a similar structure and some sort of retelling of the Hero's Journey.
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Disney sent a bunch of us to McKee's seminar right as his book STORY was publishing. They used to really care about the story department.