Grew up in Oklahoma, moved to New York City in 1967..then Los Angeles in 1969, Carmel in 1977 where I have lived since with a year in Maui, and short stints in Denver, Houston and Memphis..In radio and the music industry since 1960...on the air every day for 10 years in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, New York and Arizona...head of national promotion for several record companies including Roulette in the late 60s...created and published the first programming magazine for the radio/record industry in the early 70s. Wrote and published five books about the radio/record industry. Producer with Chuck Blore Creative Services in Hollywood in the 70s...Began New Radio Star, the first on line information magazine and sharing soaource for the radio/music industry in continues today...Created Radio Superstar, the first on line sharing system for morning radio shows in today...Created the first CD Rom on a major musical act with the production of "Heart/20 years of Rock and Roll" in 1994. Hosted the first Grammy webcast. Hosted world wide TV show "Fast Forward," which was a regular feature on early days, MTV...Produced some 25 World Premieres for major artists and record companies...worked with artists like Heart, Abba, George Strait, REO, Kenny Loggins, Poison, George Jones, Waylon Jennings and many others. Graduated from junior college in Okahoma, then attended upper level courses at University of Hawaii at Maui Community College majoring in psychology...finished in studies of parapsychology at Cal State, Los Angeles. Married, father of five children. Began producing vide on line as soon as it was possible..fell in love with video production and particularly documentary and have spent the last four years on the road in two RV' living quarters and the other a studio. Have just finished double DVD documentary RVing the Bay Area with four other documentaries about RVing the California coast now in production. Am a student of it all.
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