This has been under my skin since I learned about the 180 Degree rule. People say the only time it's okay to break the 180 Rule is when a conversation is being held in the car. But the 180 degree line is not broken. The line moves and the camera position becomes lined up as if it was lined up for a...
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Academic theory of geometric symmetry? The 180˚ rule is about facility and fluency within the language of film. The "Leon" scene is a very good example. Only 2 characters and minimal movement. Great a...
Expand commentAcademic theory of geometric symmetry? The 180˚ rule is about facility and fluency within the language of film. The "Leon" scene is a very good example. Only 2 characters and minimal movement. Great acting and writing. A wonderful scene. Breaking the line didn't lead to confusion but to a question. The question in that scene is a film-making one. As they cross the line and then cross it again (or uncross) part way through, which time was the error? Or was the error planned and if so, for what reason? If it was not planned was it based upon as it an error based in something left on the cutting room floor or a great performance that begged to be used?
See also, GRAMMAR OF THE FILM LANGUAGE by Daniel Arijon.
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PARIS there are NO RULES .. if u know HOW IT's gonna APPEAR on SCREEN ... no 180, no 2 shot, 3 shot, CU MCU LS ..whatever ... U R THE FIRST MAN BORN WHOSE MAKIN a FILM ... Film making is indeed an audacious task ... u've got be arrogant at times .. with all due respect ... :)
The whole purpose of Film Grammar (like the rules of any language) is to make it all flow so that the audience doesn't "see the join" and to establish and maintain the geography of the set and the cha...
Expand commentThe whole purpose of Film Grammar (like the rules of any language) is to make it all flow so that the audience doesn't "see the join" and to establish and maintain the geography of the set and the characters therein. Crossing the Line is only one of many. A neat way to cross it is to dolly over it. The other rules are: Do not Jump Cut. Creatively done in Seven Samurai. 1,2,3 cuts on shot of the wise man's house. Always cut on action. Again a great one in that film when one man walks away from the group in long shot and then falls to his knees in close up. Note he drops his head BEFORE the cut. Rock it back and forth on an editing machine to see how it was done. A great film for study. Break the rules to deliberately confuse the audience. Keep them to maintain smooth continuity. In real life our vision does not go Cut,Cut,Cut to different scenes, does it? So keep the rules if you want the audience to be totally engrossed and not disturbed. Any editor will tell you to maintain continuity. The number of times one gets footage on the Avid which just will not cut together!!! Editors have been known to flip the image to get it right, so make sure there isn't a clock or signage in the background. This is why gaffs on IMDb report wrist watches changing sides etc because the editor has had to flip the footage. Hugh Grant's single earring (when he was trying to be trendy) suddenly changes sides in Notting Hill!
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PS Also Maintain a Sense of Direction. Another rule to discuss! See the early films made in Brighton 1895-1905 period! Classic establishment of the basic rules.