My university education was medical (osteopath) but I discovered that I couldn't cope with sick people all day and that people with nothing wrong with them were worse! I have also taught anatomy and physiology and clinical ethics but I was always a writer. My main interest is radio, but I have also worked as a scene fixer on screenplays, news editor, business and health journalist, cookery writer and storyteller. I currently live with my husband and two daughters between London and rural France.
Unique traits: An education spanning both the arts and the sciences and four languages, and the experience of living in six different countries one three different continents has given me a greater sense of the difference between cultural norms and the core moral dilemmas that we all face. I like to feel that the heart of my writing touches on the big questions in lives of every size. I am an atheist - but believe that art aim to help us tell ourselves better stories about the world around us: not blindly, but constructively facing life's challenges.