California State University - Los Angeles

California State University - Los Angeles

California State University - Los Angeles

California State University - Los Angeles is a college located in Los Angeles, California.

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At least 43 Stage 32 members have attended California State University - Los Angeles:
Steffany VanHolsbeck

Steffany VanHolsbeck

Actor and Screenwriter from Phoenix, Arizona
Daniel Burnam

Daniel Burnam

Screenwriter from Pasadena, California
Ansul Singh

Ansul Singh

Actor from Las Vegas, Nevada
Christopher Elizalde

Christopher Elizalde

Actor, Business Development/Sales and Camera Operator from Whittier, California
Atar Hadari

Atar Hadari

Translator, Film/Theatre Journalist and Playwright from Hebden Bridge, United Kingdom
Robert Beaujean

Robert Beaujean

Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Guadalupe Nava Soria

Guadalupe Nava Soria

Director and Screenwriter
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