Columbia University

Columbia University

Columbia University

Columbia University is a college located in New York City, New York.

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At least 165 Stage 32 members have attended Columbia University:
Kyle Marshall

Kyle Marshall

Actor, Art Director and Playwright from New York City, New York
Patrick Cheh

Patrick Cheh

Producer from Los Angeles, California
Wei Yi

Wei Yi

Actor and Translator from New York City, New York
Michael Anthony Walsh

Michael Anthony Walsh

Actor from New York City, New York
Rod Jorge

Rod Jorge

From London, England
Rob Wilson

Rob Wilson

Screenwriter, Director and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Keith Michael Pinault

Keith Michael Pinault

Actor, Musician and Singer from New York City, New York
Scott Danzig

Scott Danzig

Director from Binghamton, New York
Anne Hamilton

Anne Hamilton

Author, Dramaturge and Playwright from New York City, New York
Bob Waxman Ph.D.

Bob Waxman Ph.D.

Producer from Sarasota, Florida
Mauro Mueller

Mauro Mueller

Filmmaker and Producer from New York City, New York
Soyoung Hwang

Soyoung Hwang

Screenwriter, Researcher and Filmmaker from New York City, New York
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