Emory University

Emory University

Emory University

Emory University is a college located in Druid Hills, Georgia.

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At least 32 Stage 32 members have attended Emory University:
Dion Short Metzger

Dion Short Metzger

Host/Presenter, Author and Actor from Atlanta, Georgia
Edward E. Kramer

Edward E. Kramer

Author, Filmmaker and Editor from Brooklyn, New York
Nancy Duff

Nancy Duff

Screenwriter and Visual Effects Artist from Los Angeles, California
Akima A. Brown

Akima A. Brown

Screenwriter and Producer from Atlanta, Georgia
Brian Cartee

Brian Cartee

Screenwriter and Voice Actor from Atlanta, Georgia
Anthony Carlton Cooke

Anthony Carlton Cooke

Author and Researcher from Atlanta, Georgia
Scott Rosenfeld

Scott Rosenfeld

Actor and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Shezi Sardar

Shezi Sardar

Actor and Producer from New York City, New York
James Barber

James Barber

Screenwriter from Atlanta, Georgia
Marios V. Apostolakoulis

Marios V. Apostolakoulis

Actor, Music Composer and Music Conductor from ThessalonĂ­ki, Greece
Micah Cohler

Micah Cohler

Director, Filmmaker and Producer from Los Angeles, California
Suzanne Puckett

Suzanne Puckett

Screenwriter and Filmmaker from Dundalk, Ireland
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