Harvard University

Harvard University

Harvard University

Harvard University is a college located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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At least 111 Stage 32 members have attended Harvard University:
Stever Robbins

Stever Robbins

Actor, Comedian and Host/Presenter from Cambridge, Massachusetts
Jonathan Dinerstein

Jonathan Dinerstein

Music Composer from Los Angeles, California
Gabriel Schicchi

Gabriel Schicchi

Actor, Editor and Playwright from New York City, New York
Maddy Kadish

Maddy Kadish

Line Producer, Producer and Transmedia Producer from Boston, Massachusetts
Chadwick Pelletier

Chadwick Pelletier

Filmmaker and Screenwriter from Vancouver, Canada
Nate Covell

Nate Covell

Comedian, Production Manager and Screenwriter from Tampa, Florida
Steve Young

Steve Young

Screenwriter from New York City, New York
Gary Hetzler

Gary Hetzler

Actor and Voice Artist from Galway, Ireland
David Kurtz

David Kurtz

Screenwriter from Santa Rosa, California
Michel Stone

Michel Stone

Actor, Playwright and Singer from Panama City, Florida
Conchita Serri

Conchita Serri

Author from Claremont, California
Sarah Van Sciver

Sarah Van Sciver

Editor, Music Composer and Musician from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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