Haverford College

Haverford College

Haverford College

Haverford College is a college located in Haverford Township, Pennsylvania.

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At least 6 Stage 32 members have attended Haverford College:
Marc Zegans

Marc Zegans

Other from Santa Cruz, California
Michael Arch

Michael Arch

Attorney (Non-Entertainment) from Sydney, Australia
Lee Marshall

Lee Marshall

Assistant Production Office Coordinator (APOC), Assistant Production Office Coordinator (APOC) and Clerk from San Diego, California
Lauren Pronger

Lauren Pronger

Production Assistant from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Alec Johnsson

Alec Johnsson

Author, Playwright and Screenwriter from White Plains, New York
Jerry Topitzer

Jerry Topitzer

Actor, Content Creator and Filmmaker from New York City, New York
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