Millikin University

Millikin University

Millikin University

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At least 12 Stage 32 members have attended Millikin University:
Erika Christie

Erika Christie

Director, Screenwriter and Producer from Atlanta, Georgia
Morgan Graham

Morgan Graham

Actor, Assistant Director and Camera Operator from Nashville, Tennessee
Jay Woodrum

Jay Woodrum

Camera Operator, Crew and Editor from Decatur, Illinois
Lisa Cerezo

Lisa Cerezo

Director, Producer and Screenwriter from Champaign, Illinois
Billy Pacholski

Billy Pacholski

Director, Producer and Stage Director from Chicago, Illinois
Victoria Johns

Victoria Johns

Actor, Dancer and Stunt Performer from Chicago, Illinois
Kevin Lowry

Kevin Lowry

Actor, Comedian and Performance Coach from Denver, Colorado
Bart Baker

Bart Baker

Actor, Author and Screenwriter from Saint Louis, Missouri
Sarah Collette Campbell

Sarah Collette Campbell

Actor and Comedian from Saint Louis, Missouri
Richard Stephens Ely

Richard Stephens Ely

Choreographer, Screenwriter and Theatre Director from Madrid, Spain
Kyle Borcz

Kyle Borcz

Actor, Content Creator and Theatre Director from Lafayette, Indiana
Carla Seet

Carla Seet

Actor and Screenwriter from New York City, New York
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