Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design

Parsons The New School for Design

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At least 32 Stage 32 members have attended Parsons The New School for Design:
Victoria Kuzmina

Victoria Kuzmina

Author, Content Creator and Screenwriter from Antibes, France
Bill Weber

Bill Weber

Screenwriter and Graphic Designer from Los Angeles, California
Cecilia Kegler

Cecilia Kegler

Photographer (Still), Director of Photography and Production Assistant from Brooklyn, New York
Eva R Melin-Gompper

Eva R Melin-Gompper

Special Effects Technician and Student from New York City, New York
Brooklyn Jones

Brooklyn Jones

Comedian and Actor from Los Angeles, California
Rose Zhang

Rose Zhang

Graphic Designer, Concept Artist and Illustrator from New York City, New York
Ahmed Ashour

Ahmed Ashour

Production Assistant, Script Coordinator and Screenwriter from Los Angeles, California
Francine Donlon

Francine Donlon

Crew, Marketing Professional and Production Assistant from New York City, New York
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