Princeton University

Princeton University

Princeton University

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At least 26 Stage 32 members have attended Princeton University:
B Thomas Henry

B Thomas Henry

Producer from Ashfield MA
Baiyu Chen

Baiyu Chen

Actor from New York City, New York
Marcinho Savant

Marcinho Savant

Producer, Director and Playwright from New York City, New York
Adam Kinalski

Adam Kinalski

Director and Screenwriter from Princeton, New Jersey
Alfred Mifflin Lowe

Alfred Mifflin Lowe

Screenwriter from Sarasota, Florida
Chris Freilich

Chris Freilich

Camera Operator, Cinematographer and Director of Photography from Los Angeles, California
Richard Castellane

Richard Castellane

Screenwriter, Director and Producer from Syracuse, New York
Nelson Hendler MD, MS

Nelson Hendler MD, MS

Script Consultant from Cambridge, Maryland
Nick Chant

Nick Chant

Author, Screenwriter and Script Consultant from Athens, Greece
Mark Davies

Mark Davies

Actor and Music Composer from Cambridge, Massachusetts
Lesley Carlin

Lesley Carlin

Actor, Author and Producer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Constance Cooper

Constance Cooper

Actor and Musician from New York City, New York
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