University of Virginia

University of Virginia

University of Virginia

University of Virginia is a college located in Charlottesville, Virginia.

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At least 44 Stage 32 members have attended University of Virginia:
James Dawson

James Dawson

Actor from Midlothian, Virginia
Joe Bousquin

Joe Bousquin

Screenwriter from Chico, California
Charles Ellis Talley

Charles Ellis Talley

Filmmaker, Playwright and Screenwriter from Seattle, Washington
James T. Mason

James T. Mason

Screenwriter from Novato, California
C Harris Lynn

C Harris Lynn

Screenwriter, Actor and Comedian from Nashville, Tennessee
Erin Elizabeth Keefer

Erin Elizabeth Keefer

From Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Troy Benesch

Troy Benesch

3D Animator, Creative Executive and Art Director from Tysons Corner, Virginia
Sophia Valera Heinecke

Sophia Valera Heinecke

Content Creator, Development Coordinator and Dramaturge from Brooklyn, New York
George Edward Collins

George Edward Collins

Screenwriter, Author and Musician from Praha, Czech Republic
David Tarleton

David Tarleton

Producer, Director and Editor from Chicago, Illinois
Sandra Wade

Sandra Wade

Actor, Filmmaker and Playwright from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Jodi Teti

Jodi Teti

Content Creator, Director of Marketing & Distribution and Author from Los Angeles, California
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