Hopefully you are enjoying a productive Sunday and working on your creative pursuits! I love seeing our community in our Next Level educational webinars and classes and it thrills me to be able to provide you tools to help your craft or help you navigate the industry. Some of you may not know about all the incredible education resources we have on Stage 32, including a 2 year archive of our monthly "On Stage With RB" webcasts.
If you're not familiar with our "On Stage With RB" webcast, our fearless leader, Founder & CEO Richard "RB" Botto, hosts a FREE monthly webcast exclusively for Stage 32 members where he interviews professionals who work in the industry and opens up the floor to you to ask any questions about the craft or the industry. This show is remarkably popular and contains a ton of great advice.
If you're not sure how to access On Stage With RB, just go to your top menu bar and click "EDUCATION" and then "ON STAGE WITH RB" - there you'll see our archive.
I encourage you to take advantage of 2 years worth of shows we've broadcasted with our guests including development executives, producers, screenwriters, distributors, marketers, managers and agents!
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A Filmmaker's Perspective On Acting: Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid |
The Power of Networking & Building Your Brand - Podcast |
Blog Post by Amanda Toney, posted on Sunday, September 11th, 2016
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