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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,Hey guys! Happy Sunday. The past week has been consumed by Cannes prep (see all the details here), so I have something a little different for Coffee & Content this week. And it's something for everyone. How about we cover ground on all the following topics: - Why you need to cut the negativity out of your life- Today! - Why you do not need to be micromanaged as a screenwriter or a filmmaker - How you can bring value to every meeting - What I'm hearing …
Do you ever wonder why some creatives get ahead and have more opportunities than others? It's because they treat their creative pursuits as an entrepreneur. It's not just important to hone your craft - whether you're an actor, writer, director, producer, post-production, composer or anything in between - it's also important the you become the CEO of "You". Our fearless leader, RB, paid the podcast The 5 O'Clock Hustle a visit and talked about how being a creative is a lot like being an …
Hello, creative army! You've all heard me preach about the importance of relationships as it relates to accelerating your path toward success. In my humble opinion, the daily work you put into your craft should be matched by the time and effort you put into building and nurturing relationships. I'm not alone in this thinking. Just yesterday, I was having lunch with my screenwriting manager, a guy who has been around and seen it all. When I asked him the biggest m…
Hey guys. Very often, I hear from members of the community who are having a difficult time navigating the business side of the industry. Honing their craft, no problem. Building relationships, winning champions and getting past the gatekeepers, a challenge that not only puts many through the wringer, but dampens their creative spirit as well. I'm here to tell ya, the fear, the resistance, the reluctance can all be overcome. And it doesn't take much. In fact, jus…
Recently our fearless leader, RB, had a chance to chat with Giles Alderson from The Filmmakers Podcast from London and the conversation could not be more fun! If anything, you have to tune in for their accents. Together on the podcast they chatted about film-making, screenwriting and crowdsourcing your film, building your tribe, your army, your boots on the ground and the most important factors of being a filmmaker. They discuss how to bring value to a project, how to stan…
Our fearless leader, RB, spent some time with Stage 32er Dave Bullis on his uber-popular filmmaking podcast recently. On the podcast, RB and Dave discuss a wide variety of topics including: 1. Why RB thinks it's never been a better time to be a content creator 2. How do you get studios attention? 3. What does star power mean now? 4. With so much content being created and competition, how do you find your tribe (aka audience)? 5.…
We want to give a huge shout out to Ron Newcomb for having our fearless leader, RB, as a guest on the Film Trooper podcast. This is an inspirational and motivating podcast filled with a ton of advice and information to help you as a creative. RB talks about how many filmmakers get wrapped up in how to "crowdfund". Most filmmakers are too focused on having people give them money to help make their movie. Most filmmakers don't stop and ask, "What can I give back to…
It's that time again! Time for the next "On Stage With RB" webcast and this time it's a special edition - Talking TV! This fun, educational and definitely entertaining webcast will feature our fearless leader, Richard "RB" Botto, and special guest Spencer Robinson, manager at Art/Work Entertainment. For those of you new to Stage 32 and may not know the hosts, RB is the founder & CEO of Stage 32, an actor & voice actor, producer (ANOTHER HAPPY DAY, (Demi Moore, Kat…
What happens when you put 2 New Yorkers in Hollywood? Well, we found out in the most recent "On Stage With RB" special webcast - "2 New Yorkers in Hollywood". This fun, educational and definitely entertaining webcast featured our fearless leader, Richard "RB" Botto, and special guest Bradley Gallo, CCO of Amasia Entertainment. For those of you new to Stage 32 and may not know the hosts, RB is the founder & CEO of Stage 32, an actor & voice actor, producer (ANOTHER HAPPY DA…
Today on Twitter and Instagram, it's #ShowReelShareDay - That means whether you're an actor, filmmaker, cinematographer or other creative with a reel, today is the day to showcase your talents to the world. Let's show the social world that we are the most creative community on the planet! We're asking all our members who have reels and either a Twitter or Instagram account (or both) to help promote Stage 32 while promoting yourselves! All you have to do is share your reel link her…
Another Sunday, another chance to share some great content. As many of you know, in an effort to inspire and motivate creatives across the globe, we've been publishing some of our most popular blogs from the last 6 years over at Medium. Today, we feature some truly interesting content published by Stage 32 members working in the acting, coaching, filmmaking, producing and screenwriting arenas. All we ask from you is that you pay it forward by not only sharing the content, bu…
It's that time again...time for a special edition of 'On Stage With RB'! What happens when you put 2 New Yorkers in Hollywood? Well, we're about to find out next Wednesday, May 24 at 11am as we host a special edition of "On Stage With RB" - featuring our fearless leader, Richard "RB" Botto, and special guest Bradley Gallo, CCO of Amasia Entertainment. As always, the webcast is FREE to the first 2,000 who register so grab your spot NOW! Register Here! If you're new to …