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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,Hey guys! Happy Sunday. The past week has been consumed by Cannes prep (see all the details here), so I have something a little different for Coffee & Content this week. And it's something for everyone. How about we cover ground on all the following topics: - Why you need to cut the negativity out of your life- Today! - Why you do not need to be micromanaged as a screenwriter or a filmmaker - How you can bring value to every meeting - What I'm hearing …
If there was one subject that dominated the questions asked during my recent Stage 32 AMA, it was about best practices on social media. Many of you wanted to know how to go about creating meaningful relationships that would help accelerate your path to success. You know my feelings on this subject as it relates to launching and maintaining a career in film and content creation: Relationships = Reads Relationships = Jobs Relationships = Financing Relationships = Champions …
Well, this is exciting. As you all know Stage 32 has has worked directly with and have had an official presence at the Cannes Film Festival for the last 4 years. This year, our role with Cannes has grown. We are thrilled to announce that we are an official education workshop partner with the Cannes Marche du Film! Stage 32 will be presenting an official workshop to producers, filmmakers and other content creators on the importance of audience building, branding and crowdsourcing at…
Happy Sunday to all. Hope you are all enjoying and taking advantage of Introduce Yourself Weekend! Back with another 2 videos designed to entertain and educate. First up, New York Acting Coach John Windsor-Cunningham with an acting lesson he says saved his own career. The vid is titled The Best Acting Lesson in the World (I don't name 'em folks) and I'll be very interested to get your feedback. Next up, a TEDx talk from Zach King: The storyteller in all of us. …
Happy Sunday to all my creative friends. Hope you're all having an awesome weekend. First up for Coffee & Content this week, with so many Stage 32 members creating short films and short form digital content, I thought it might be worth having a look at Filmmaker IQ's recent video How to Get Your Short Screened at Film Festivals. Certainly interested in hearing your thoughts on this one! Next, from our friends at Cinefix, yet another comprehensive video. This…
I’m sure many people in this industry outside of Los Angeles wonder a lot about whether or not they should move to the West Coast to make their dreams come true. While I can continue to complain about the fact that my commute to work takes almost 2 hours and things spontaneously combust into flames over here, I completely get it. When you think about L.A., the images of red carpets, talented celebrities, and studios as far as they eye can see come vividly, and it basically is the …
Happy Sunday, everyone. Let's get right to the action, shall we? Today I have 2 videos from This Guy Edits, a very popular channel on YouTube. First up, who doesn't love Werner Herzog? Well, maybe there are some that don't connect with his art, but it's hard not to connect to the person and his passion for storytelling. How does he get it done? How Werner Herzog Masters Storytelling explains all. Next, I have 3 Filmmaking Mistakes to Avoid and, well, although the ti…
Hello, creative army! You've all heard me preach about the importance of relationships as it relates to accelerating your path toward success. In my humble opinion, the daily work you put into your craft should be matched by the time and effort you put into building and nurturing relationships. I'm not alone in this thinking. Just yesterday, I was having lunch with my screenwriting manager, a guy who has been around and seen it all. When I asked him the biggest m…
Happy Sunday, everyone. And for those celebrating, a very Happy Easter Sunday. Today for Coffee & Content, another 2 detailed videos designed to make you think and inspire you to take action. First up, from Lindsay Ellis, a most righteous and comprehensive video on 3-act structure within a screenplay. This one delivers the goods, I promise you. Next up, do you think one tip could be so good, it would drastically improve your editing? This Guy Edits does and so do…
Happy Sunday, everyone. Trust you're all having a great weekend?We're still buzzing from what was a remarkable and inspiring day at the Stage 32/LA Acting Studio's 1st Film Con Hollywood. We'll have more updates about and some cool video from the event coming soon. Until then, let's get to this edition of Coffee & Content. First up, how about 2 dudes talking acting? It's Film Acting Tips: How to Act on Camera, with Chris Mack. I love the conversational …
Hello, my fellow creatives. Happy Sunday. Hope you are all enjoying and participating in what has been a very lively Introduce Yourself Weekend! Today for Coffee & Content, I'm bringing you some voices with years of experience talking directing and screenwriting. First up, legendary director, Ridley Scott waxes poetic on the craft of directing. As usual, no pulled punches from Sir Ridley. Nothing more for you to do with this one than pour yourself a full cuppa an…
Greetings from rainy Los Angeles, and Happy Sunday. Coffee is brewed, let's get to the content. One of the most inspiring dudes I've met over the last few months is filmmaker, Matt Alonzo. Not only is Matt a ridiculously talented guy who handles just about everything - shooting, lighting, editing - but he also aims to educate and motivate wherever he goes. The idea of giving back and paying it forward is part of his DNA. An example of this? This week, Matt …