Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

Happy Sunday to all.  Hope you are all enjoying and taking advantage of Introduce Yourself Weekend!

Back with another 2 videos designed to entertain and educate.

First up, New York Acting Coach John Windsor-Cunningham with an acting lesson he says saved his own career.  The vid is titled The Best Acting Lesson in the World (I don't name 'em folks) and I'll be very interested to get your feedback.

Next up, a TEDx talk from Zach King:  The storyteller in all of us.  Zach built a huge online presence through his storytelling efforts.  Plus, he's one hell of a likeable guy.  Think this one will get you thinking.

As always, I ask that you share this content with those you believe would benefit from viewing.  We have those handy social media share buttons in the upper right hand corner of this page.

And...Let your voices be heard.  Opine and discuss in the comments section below.

Enjoy the coffee and the content!




The Best Acting Lesson in the World

Zach King:  The storyteller in all of us

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Getting The Call: Me and the Machine
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