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The Power of "No"

In publishing, you hear the word NO a lot. From your own critique partners and beta readers --"NO, this scene doesn't work." From agents -- "NO, this isn't right for me to represent." From editors and publishers -- "NO, we don't have room in our line for this." Sometimes, NO is a good thing. For example, when your scene could use a little more work or when you're career is heading down the wrong path that isn't right for you anyway. But sometimes, NO has nothing to do with your book and…

Advice On How To Break Into Entertainment

Recently during the 2018 Film Con Hollywood at the LA Convention Center we spent time with Stage 32er and panelist Jennifer Winberg, who is a Digital Specialist from MXM, an entertainment industry marketing & advertising agency. Jennifer has had a storied career in digital and has worked with Lionsgate, SONY, FOX, Gravitas Ventures and more. Today we've posted a video from Jennifer on our YouTube page as she gives advice on how to break into entertainment. Click here to hear Jennife…

Social Media: 3 Tips to Build a Personal Brand the Healthy Way

Where does your career end and your personal life begin? Where does your digital world end and your real world begin?     As a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (EMMYS), I’m currently invited to a lot of For Your Consideration screenings and events around Hollywood. At a recent FYC screening for WESTWORLD, Jonathan Nolan, the co-creator of the show, had some very insightful words about the dangers of “people becoming brands” via social…

Advice From an Agent at Gersh

Part of why I love overseeing Stage 32's education is because of the incredible array of talent that I get to meet. Recently when Stage 32 hosted the 2018 Film Con Hollywood conference we had the pleasure of working with some incredible executives, including Adam V., a talent agent at the Gersh Agency. Adam works in the TV literary department and has a strong eye for what's happening in the TV space, but he also has great knowledge of the entire industry right now. We took a few minutes…

Let's Talk Screenwriting!

Hey guys, You all know I love to talk, but there are few topics I enjoy talking about more than screenwriting.  And based on many of the questions submitted for the AMA this past week, many of you are looking for some direction, clarity and productive strategies as it relates to the craft and business of screenwriting. That's why I'm excited to announce that I will be returning as a guest on Scriptchat this coming Sunday at 5PM PDT.  What's Scriptchat?  Well, it's an hou…

Coffee & Content - The Best Acting Lesson in the World & The Storyteller in All of Us

Happy Sunday to all.  Hope you are all enjoying and taking advantage of Introduce Yourself Weekend! Back with another 2 videos designed to entertain and educate. First up, New York Acting Coach John Windsor-Cunningham with an acting lesson he says saved his own career.  The vid is titled The Best Acting Lesson in the World (I don't name 'em folks) and I'll be very interested to get your feedback. Next up, a TEDx talk from Zach King:  The storyteller in all of us.  …

Are You Ready to Get on the Hustle?

Hello, creative army! You've all heard me preach about the importance of relationships as it relates to accelerating your path toward success.  In my humble opinion, the daily work you put into your craft should be matched by the time and effort you put into building and nurturing relationships.  I'm not alone in this thinking.  Just yesterday, I was having lunch with my screenwriting manager, a guy who has been around and seen it all.  When I asked him the biggest m…

Coffee & Content - Ridley Scott on Directing & 10 Important Lessons on the Craft of Screenwriting

Hello, my fellow creatives.  Happy Sunday. Hope you are all enjoying and participating in what has been a very lively Introduce Yourself Weekend! Today for Coffee & Content, I'm bringing you some voices with years of experience talking directing and screenwriting. First up, legendary director, Ridley Scott waxes poetic on the craft of directing.  As usual, no pulled punches from Sir Ridley.  Nothing more for you to do with this one than pour yourself a full cuppa an…

Coffee & Content - Making a DSLR Look Like a RED & Toy Story Script to Screen

Greetings from rainy Los Angeles, and Happy Sunday.  Coffee is brewed, let's get to the content. One of the most inspiring dudes I've met over the last few months is filmmaker, Matt Alonzo.  Not only is Matt a ridiculously talented guy who handles just about everything - shooting, lighting, editing - but he also aims to educate and motivate wherever he goes.  The idea of giving back and paying it forward is part of his DNA.  An example of this?  This week, Matt …

Coffee & Content - Michael Caine on Acting for Film & Overcoming Writer's Block

Good morning, 32'ers.  Happy Oscars Sunday. Don't forget, it's not too late to get your Oscars ballot in.  Prizes and bragging rights are at stake.  Fill out your ballot here. Leading up to the ceremony, I have two more videos for your enjoyment as part of this edition of Coffee and Content. First up, a classic and extremely celebrated video of Michael Caine discussing acting in film.  Next, from, comes a terrific video on overcoming writer's block.…

A Writer's Journey

If you're in the Los Angeles area this weekend, the wonderful people at The Scriptwriter's Network would like to invite you to join them for a special event - Crowdsourcing and a Writer's Journey - featuring our very own Fearless Leader, Rich Botto. RB will be speaking to the long and winding road he's taken as a screenwriter.  From all the early rejection (and what he took away each time) to turning down 3 offers for representation to using crowdsourcing strategies to build the br…

Four Tips To Help You Begin That Book

Lets face it, writing is painstaking. The process of starting alone can be a great challenge. As if this isn't enough, it's revisions, after revisions until the finished product. The fun in it all is seeing the final result, it's not the work. One of the most popular questions asked by new writers is "How do I start?"   1. DECIDE THE GENRE OF YOUR BOOK   Regardless of whether you would like to write a fiction, or nonfiction book, it's best that you narrow down th…

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