Hey guys,
You all know I love to talk, but there are few topics I enjoy talking about more than screenwriting. And based on many of the questions submitted for the AMA this past week, many of you are looking for some direction, clarity and productive strategies as it relates to the craft and business of screenwriting.
That's why I'm excited to announce that I will be returning as a guest on Scriptchat this coming Sunday at 5PM PDT. What's Scriptchat? Well, it's an hour long Twitter chat for screenwriters only. You bring your questions and with the help of a Scriptchat moderator, I answer as many as I can over the course of an hour.
Preparing for Scriptchat is easy. For starters, begin by following me on Twitter here (@rbwalksintoabar). And while you are at it, feel free to follow me on Instagram as well (@rbwalksintoabar).
Once you have followed me, simply go here to join the conversation on Sunday April 29, 2018 at 5:00pm PT/8:00pm ET: Scriptchat Chat Room
There are alternate ways to join, but the Scriptchat Chat Room is the easiest.
I look forward to your questions and Tweeting with you! Be sure to use the hashtag #scriptchat.
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