Posted by Beth Fox Heisinger

Ah, fall. The turning color of leaves. Cozy sweaters. Pumpkin spice lattes. And the rapid tap tapping on keyboards as creative minds whirl. That’s right, scribes, the season for November Write Club is here.

For the past three years, we’ve had hundreds of participants join in, get motivated, inspire others, and complete projects. We rally together and share a collective mission.

How does this collective mission work, you may ask? Well, the Write Club Challenge is simple. Beginning on the first of the month, we’ll use the 30 days of November as a personal deadline for whatever project you are working on, be it a first draft, a rewrite, a pitch, a short, a feature, or a TV pilot. Whatever “it” is for you. There are no parameters other than what you choose to accomplish within the month of November. We’ll support, inspire, and cheer each other on throughout our 30-day endeavors. And. Get. It. Done.

This year, we’ve made some exciting changes. We now have a Lounge forum dedicated to the November Write Club Challenge. That’s where we’ll join in and declare our individual goals for the month, and where we’ll share our highs and lows and report our daily and weekly progress in the weeks ahead. Remember participation is key. You must report your progress and participate by supporting and encouraging others all month long.

Joining us and participating this year with their own 30-day goals will be Stage 32’s Allen Roughton and Nick Assunto. They’ll lead the charge with a kick-off video and keep us motivated during the month with a weekly Friday webcast, with the exception of Thanksgiving weekend. All notices and weekly reminders will be posted in the Write Club forum and sent via email. Plus there’ll be well-earned “gifts” for those who are active and participating each week.

What’s the catch, you say? There is none. This is not a competition. This is not a win/lose thing. No word count. No page count. No comparing against one another. Nope. This exercise is about pushing forward. It’s about helping and encouraging each other to reach individual goals.

So. Whaddaya say? You in?

- Beth Fox Heisinger



Hi everyone! Nick and Allen here from Stage 32’s script services! We’ll be right alongside you all as we challenge ourselves to write this November and take on that next project, step, or idea and make the most of the Write Club. Nick will be tackling a feature script and I’ll be working on a pilot so we can talk about the process in both mediums. We’ll be checking in each Friday to talk about how the week went, and what our plans are for the following week. We’re eager to get started, and looking forward to taking on the challenge with you!

November Write Club Its On

Mark your calendars to join the FREE November Write Club Webcasts - we'll be putting the links in the November Write Club Lounge, so make sure you're in there!:

Friday, November 9 @ 1pm PT 

Friday, November 16 @1pm PT 

Friday, November 30 @ 1pm PT


Head over to the November Write Club Challenge Lounge by clicking here!


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