Good morning Stage 32!
It’s Monday morning and time for another excited success story from one of our Stage 32 members. This week’s story comes from Danielle R. Erlich from Arizona who told us a fantastic story about how a Stage 32 pitch session with producer Miguel Valenti has the potential to turn into something much larger.
“I only had 8 minutes, and he was my second professional pitch,” Danielle explained. “He was extremely friendly and just so happened to have started ASU’s film school. I'm from Arizona, so it was quite random and we both found it funny.”
Danielle continued with her pitch and after hearing about the project, Valenti requested the script.
“I got great feedback, but he didn't say he wanted it,” Danielle continued. "I emailed him and thanked him for his time and the notes. I figured that would be the end of it."
To Danielle’s surprise, the story didn’t end there.
Danielle R. Erlich and her father at the 18th Annual Beverly Hills Film Festival
“That’s when I got a shock! He emailed me back and suggested we grab a cup of coffee to discuss the script, and how to improve it.”
Daniella says she lept at the opportunity to meet with Valenti, saying, “we are going to get together in April, when I'm in Los Angeles for the (19th Annual) Beverly Hills Film Festival.”
We love this story because it reminds us that we never know what will happen when we pitch a project to someone who shares our passion for storytelling. We are all looking for likeminded people who will champion our work with us.
Danielle also shows us that being gracious and grateful for support and opportunities can only have positive results. And while she admits she doesn’t know what this opportunity may lead to, she is very positive about the entire experience.
“Any producer taking an interest is a score in my book!”
We totally agree, Danielle! Keep up the awesome work and good luck in April!
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