Posted by Joleene DesRosiers

I use contracts with everything. The books I ghostwrite, the blog posts I create, and the scripts I work so hard on for others.

But I messed up recently. I had the contract in hand and shared it with the other party. He dragged his feet. And it's not his fault. It's mine. Because I let him. I was pissed at myself for weeks. I was pissed for so many reasons. I wanted to write a scathing blog post and share it with the world so I would feel better.

What Happened When I Used Trust as an Agreement   Instead of a Contract 7 Lessons I LearnedMe. Several times over a period of weeks. Several.

Instead, I took that anger and turned it inside out. I had to. I've got a big production of my own coming up in a few months, and the last thing I need is to let someone's lack of integrity damage mine.

So here's my story, and the 7 lessons I learned using trust instead of a signed contract.



Click Here to Read More:

7 Lessons I Learned Using Trust Instead of a Signed Contract




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