Happy Monday Stage 32 Family! It is not only the beginning of a brand new week, but it is the beginning of a brand new month! November is going to be a busy one for us! Ladies and gentlemen, let's be clear, in November we're kicking it into high gear to finish this year off strong. If you are not already aware, we are right at the beginning of the November Write Club Challenge which kicked off on Friday. If you have not already, set your writing goal for the month of November, then head over to the blog page dedicated to the challenge and post your goal today! While you are there, offer some words of encouragement to others. Then jump on your socials and post with #Stage32WriteClub to get your fellow writers in on the action!
Set a goal and do the work during the November Write Club!
And speaking of connecting with fellow writers, on Tuesday, November 12 at 1pm let's hang out online together! I will be hosting a FREE Writer Hangout webcast which you can register for here. This is an online webcast where screenwriters and creatives gather to share what we're working on, things that are inspiring you and give you a forum to ask questions you have about your craft, the business or the industry. If you're stuck, we'll help unstick you. If you're in the zone, we'll cheer you on. I want to hear from you!
For all of the LA-based writers, remember that we are hosting our November Los Angeles Meetup this Thursday, November 7th at The Phoenix! The turnouts for the last two events have been fantastic and I want to keep up the momentum! Come out and meet your fellow screenwriters and talk about what you are working on! It is always a lot of fun! You can click here to RSVP!
See, November is PACKED. Get in on all the action because it's going to be a blast!
As busy as November is going to be, I want to take a moment to look back at October and congratulate some of the awesome writers who have experienced success or advances in their screenwriting career through Stage 32! You may recall that screenwriter Donnalyn Vojta connected with producer Robert James Atton through a Stage 32 post, and now Donnalyn and Robert are working on developing and producing her project, Angered. In addition, I heard from several Stage 32 writers I met at AFF who told me they have been experiencing success as a result of connections made through Stage 32. In addition, the winner of our 4th Annual Comedy Writing Contest, Greg Mania, went on a whirlwind meeting tour with more than 10 executives in Los Angeles, and continues to correspond with the literary managers, producers, and development executives he met with! You will be hearing more about Greg’s journey later this month. These are such encouraging stories and the reason I go to work every day.
4th Annual Comedy Writing Winner Greg Mania with
Stage 32 Founder & CEO Rich Botto and Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch
In addition to all of these exciting developments, during the month of October, manager David McInerney of MacroManagement connected with writer David Joglar after hearing the pitch for his project, Stone Cold. Manager Daniel Kendrick of Chatrone requested the project Coconut Hill from Alberto Gomez after connecting through a pitch session. Producer F. Miguel Valenti of Angry Mob also connected with Sara Dahmen through a pitch session, while development executive Sarah J. Cornelius of Whitewater Films asked for an introduction to Dee P. Bertram after providing Premium Coverage on the project, Circuit. Executive Chris Sarfin of Storyline Entertainment asked for an introduction to Jordan D for the project Buddha on a Bicycle and John Porter for the project Ungifted. Verve Agent-in-Training Roberto Larios asked for an introduction to Byron Q. after providing a First 10 Pages review on the project, Where Blood Lies. Producer Thien Pham of 3388 Films read the project The Shortstops after hearing the pitch from Ryan Gilmore. Kevin Christoffersen of Cobalt Capital Ventures asked to meet with screenwriters Juhani Nurmi, Phil Olson, and Marina Shron after hearing their pitches during a pitch session. And finally, Brad Wilson of Higher Purpose Entertainment asked to connect with Kimberly Jurgen after providing Premium Coverage for her project, Hacking Christmas.
Please join me in congratulating all of the writers above in their success and taking the steps to advance their screenwriting career. And use these stories to get inspired and motivated! Do the work and you will see the results! Remember to write, post, connect, and get your work out there! Go get it!
Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Got an idea for a post? Or have you collaborated with Stage 32 members to create a project? We'd love to hear about it. Email Joleene at joleene@stage32.com and let's get your post published!
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