RB's Stage 32 News, Notes, Discussions, and Other Fun Stuff (February 28th, 2014)

Posted by Richard "RB" Botto

A jammed packed weekend blog this time around. I've highlighted some incredible articles that I would term must reads which I think you guys will really enjoy. I'm happy to report that worthwhile long form journalism, well researched opinion pieces, and non-narcissistic first person storytelling is not dead…at least for another week.

A few that I highly recommend:

Superstar indie producer, Cassian Elwes, tells the story of the 13 year ride of The Dallas Buyers Club and how he found the money to get the film made in 3 days. Within, how one of the top foreign sales agents and Oscar Winner for The Hurt Locker, Nicolas Chartier, got his start. You will be inspired.

A great profile piece by The Hollywood Reporter on Jason Belfort, the real Wolf of Wall Street, which includes how his story made it from pages written in prison to the silver screen.

A look at microbudget king, Jason Blum's, operation and how his small budget horror and thriller films compete in a crowded marketplace.

Alec Baldwin lays himself bare to The New Yorker.

Plus, with the Oscars on tap this weekend, The Hollywood Reporter publishes the ballots and opinions of two Oscar voters. Honest, brutal, and revealing.

A well researched and reported piece by Boris Kacka of Vulture takes a look at how film industry bloggers are shaping (or not) the Oscar races.

And, social media is playing a huge part in Oscar campaigns this year. Find out which film has captured the most eyeballs.

Plus…Sandra Bullock pocketed (at least) a cool 70M for Gravity, some Netfix news, and more Oscar coverage.

Additionally, I have screenwriting, filmmaking, and cinematography tips, a couple of trailers including Mike Judge's new series for HBO, Silicon Valley, the top Lounge discussions and questions from the last week (great conversations, guys), and planned and proposed Stage 32 Meetups.

Whew. A lot to take in. Let's talk about any and all in the Comments section below. I want to hear from you!




The Oscars finally arrive Sunday night. It's not too late to fill out a ballot for our 2nd Annual Oscar Contest.

Also, for the 3rd straight year, I'll be live blogging the Oscars over on our Twitter account - @stage32online

In case you missed it, we introduced 5 Things New at 32.

And, we updated our iPhone and Android app.

A couple of Next Level Webinars are coming up soon:

First, we have Shaun O'Banion hosting Post Production: Finding the Film. Any good filmmaker will tell you that the real magic on a film happens in post production. Shaun will not only be bringing his expertise, but the brilliant mind of film editor, Jeff Castelluccio, to the party as well. Twice the knowledge in one webinar. Can't beat that. For more information and to register, please click here Post-Production: Finding The Film

Next, we have Jessica Sitmoer hosting How to Move to LA and Work in Entertainment. If you've recently moved or ever considered moving to Los Angeles, this is the webinar for you. And, it's on sale for only $39 through Sunday, March 9th. Click here for more info: How to Move to LA and Work in Entertainment

And, finally, Pitchfest XII – The First Timers will take place next weekend. These are all new execs who are looking for new talent and material. If you're a screenwriter or filmmaker, this is your opportunity to shine. To meet the execs, see recent success stories, and to register, click here: Online Pitchfest XII: First Timers (all new Executives)






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